Human Resource Management in Bk Steel Company
Autor: Jannisthomas • September 10, 2017 • 4,392 Words (18 Pages) • 1,033 Views
Role of personal management is to handle the human resources in a business environment. Personnel managers have a great responsibility on shoulder in promoting the optimum utilization of the human resources by providing expert professional and competent.
Essentially, that means that the personnel managers work with the employees in order to make sure they are producing the best results possible for the company. In terms of specifics, personal management involves everything from advice to management in the areas of dealing with the hiring and paying of employees, to training them, job evaluation, mediating their personal disputes, and sometimes even firing them, wage and salary administration, men-boss relations, human relations etc.
Employee loyalty is as important combine between Management and employees. It takes information about employees to have a clear understanding of the need and expectations. The relationship between employer and employee should be based on mutual respect and understanding, treating employees fairly and equally, no matter what their position may be.
Recently we can see that the poor understanding of what drives employee loyalty, coupled with a failure to monitor retention rates, is resulting in businesses losing excessive numbers of employees. The impact on loyalty of downsizing and mergers was not from the actual loss of jobs. Rather the decrease is a result of the lack of communication between employees and managers. All of our respondents felt it was critically important that companies have ongoing, timely and honest communication with their employees about both good and bad news.
Communication is an important step in promoting employee loyalty. Managements’ expectations might not be similar to those of the employees, so mutual expectations should be crystal clear to make sure all parties understand what is expected from them. When managers expand respect and confidence from their team commitment is under breakable. So offering leadership development programs to managers can perfect their skills in leadership and help them in specific areas.
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Figure 01
Including of this levels of the management we can see the decisional levels of the management. It is pretty well-understood in most business environments that having effective employees who are operating in an efficient environment is often essential to running a successful company. In many cases, upper management would rather not have to deal with the daily difficulties involved in managing people and hiring them. The role of personnel management is generally to handle these decisions in their place, or at least work as an intermediary between upper-management and staff.
Sometimes personnel management involves a single person overseeing a whole host of issues, while other companies may have a General Personal Manager overseeing many secondary managers running several different departments.
On the other hand they didn’t do Training & development activities to employees. It helps to improvement of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of individually. Training involves the process of providing knowledge, skills, abilities (KSAs) specific to a particular task to a job.
While promoting employee loyalty is important, employers should not lose focus on the importance of protecting trade secrets. Employers should continually monitor employees’ work to protect trade secrets. In doing this, employers should act with limitations; they must respect employees’ privacy. Too much monitoring can be a threat for employee loyalty, as employee may feel untrustworthy.
Personal manager can prevent loss of employee loyalty and senior workers through all these solutions in better way of BK Steel Company. It can be helpful to the personal manager’s duties as well.
Question No 02
- If there was a well-qualified and experienced Human Resources Manager instead of a personal Manager, how he (the HRM) would be behaved/ acted to prevent labor turnover, before the interference of MD. Explain your answer in detail.
What is Labour Turn over?
“Labour Turnover is number of employees leaving an organization and being replaced. The rate of turnover is often expressed as the number of people leaving. As a percentage of the average number of people employed, in a given period the term ‘Natural Wastage” is used to describe a “Normal” flow of people out of an organization through retirement carrier or job change relocation illness and so on”.
The biggest way that loyalty impacts costs is through turnover. The less loyal employees tend to leave sooner and must be replaced at a horrendous cost to the organization. High employee turnover hurts a company’s bottom line. Experts estimate it costs upwards of twice an employee’s salary to find and train a replacement and churn can damage morale among remaining employees.
As a duty of HR department they must involve that matter before someone else. They have a clear vision of their duties. But in here their MD doing a HR part before them. That is the most major problem in here. That’s why we can say there HR Department is negative. They didn’t do their duty as well. They are trying to do administrative actions only. We must understand the roles and responsibilities of HR staff.
HR roles and responsibilities that are the most important, and that significantly serve the organization may not be found in the HR job description. HR staffs have a balance to maintain as they play the roles of both employee and company advocates. HR has responsibilities that extend beyond the roles of benefits administrator, policy enforcer, and change facilitator.
Hiring new employees, it can be difficult to consider how they will benefit your organization for the long haul. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to make sure you pick the right employees who will stay with your company. The following are instructions on how to prevent quick employee turn-around.
We can act to prevent labour turnover in various ways.
- Loyalty Build up
- Proper Grievance Handling Procedure
- Offer Skill Testing
- Pay Competitive
- Show appreciation
- Level the workload
- Hold regular review sessions.