First Day Back
Autor: Jannisthomas • June 12, 2018 • 1,003 Words (5 Pages) • 651 Views
as the bell rang. It was the moment I have been waiting for all day, lunch time. I was looking forward to this the most because I got to see mostly everyone that I didn’t see in the summer. First day of school, I didn’t know how my lunch table would be. But it was like we never left, the table was packed and we all had to have our trays sideways so everyone could fit. After lunch I walked to the auditorium with a lot of my friends because we all got lucky to have health together. During health we got our seating chart and health books. Before health class my backpack weighed what almost felt like nothing. But after it it weighed like 15 pounds from the big health book. Once the bell rang I looked at my schedule to see where I was going and I got really excited because I had manufacturing with Mr. Whisker. Mr. Whisker is by far one of my favorite teachers and it’s sad that not many people take his classes because they are really fun. Once the bell rang to end that class I said to myself I’m almost there it’s the last hour of the day as I walked up to Mrs. Monks room for biology. When I got to Mrs. Monks room, I walked around and looked at all the pets she has then I went and sat at my desk. During the class we filled out a paper, then got into a giant circle and introduced ourselves to each other by reading what we wrote down. After that class I rushed down stairs because school ended at 2:30 and I had football practice at 2:35. Once I made it to the locker room, I put my clothes and pads on as fast as I could. After 3 hours of football practice it was finally time for me to go home.
Once I got home, which was about 6:00 and I jumped into the shower, then ate dinner once I got out. After I ate dinner, I sat on the couch downstairs and chilled out and watched tv because I didn’t have any homework to work on. Once it got to around 9:00 I headed back upstairs to my room exhausted and worn out and laid in my bed and then set my alarm to go off at 5:40 to do it all over again.