Misbehavior Exhibited by College of Criminal Justice
Autor: goude2017 • January 29, 2019 • 8,466 Words (34 Pages) • 844 Views
The essence of good classroom teaching is the ability to create an environment that first can mobilize the learner to pursue the good behavior and then maintain that mobilization while effectively facilitating learning. The process, of course, is meant not only to teach academics, but to turn out good citizens concerning with their behavior. This study aims require that a fundamental focus of school improvement be on facilitating positive social and emotional development/learning.
One facet of addressing misbehavior proactively is the focus on promoting healthy social and emotional development. This emphasis meshes well with school’s goals related to enhancing student’s personal and social well being. Also this study is essential in creating an atmosphere of “caring”, “cooperative learning, “ and a sense of community to mold better student’s.
Environmental factors such as norm of conduct, class size, culture and task can influence a student’s misbehavior. Sometimes faculty whose syllabi do not clearly outline academic and behavioral expectations for his/her courses may leave students guessing about what the instructor expects that my result on student’s misbehavior.
The study will focus on the exhibited misbehavior of students inside the classroom as observed by the higher education faculty. Also to understand and examine the student’s misbehavior with specific needs and to determine the extent program to which the faculty prepare to facilitate social and academic development to improve their program for student services of all college students in St. Anne College Lucena Inc. to improve their program for student services.
Operational Framework of the Study
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Figure 1
Paradigm of the Study
The figure shows the misbehavior exhibited by college of criminal justice education students as revealed by the higher education faculty of St. Anne College and basis for an improve program of student services.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to study the misbehavior exhibited by college of criminal justice education students as revealed by the higher education faculty of St. Anne College as basis for an improved program for students’ services.
- What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
- gender
- age
- subject handled
- length of teaching experience
- What are the different kinds of misbehavior exhibited by college of criminal justice education students as revealed by the higher education faculty of St. Anne College?
- What are the strategies used by the faculty in dealing misbehavior exhibited by college of criminal justice education students?
- What implication can be derived from the study for the improvement of student’s services program?
Scope and Limitations
The study will focus on the misbehavior exhibited by College of Criminal Justice Education students as revealed by the higher education faculty of St. Anne College Lucena Inc. The respondents of this study are the faculty who handle criminology students of St. Anne College Lucena Inc, A.Y 2015-2016.This study will be limited on the observable misbehavior inside the classroom. It will be conducted within the premise of St. Anne College Lucena Inc.
Significance of the Study
This study aims to determine the misbehavior exhibited by College of Criminal Justice Education students as revealed by the higher education faculty of St. Anne College. The study will be beneficial to the following:
For the criminology students, this study will enhance their action in response to conflict as often coercive and authoritarian and believe that these kinds of responses intensified the conflicts frequently lead to additional misbehavior.
For faculty member, this study will help to understanding their students thus a better service can be given. It may also be beneficial to identify which classrooms are the most at risk of misbehavior, and seek to before they become so.
For guidance department, this study can be used as a springboard for development of their plans and programs.
For the parents, this study will help them to have background regarding their children’s behavior that will lead them for better understanding to promote a good parent-child relationship.
The researcher to enhance their knowledge on human behavior thus they can render better professional service in the future.
For future researchers this will serve as reference for their future research that will help them to make an appropriate intervention program in address misbehavior exhibited by criminology students.
Definition of Terms
The following terms were defined in their contextual and operational meaning for better understanding of the study.
Criminology Student- students who study the scientific study of crime as a social phenomenon of criminals, and of penal treatment.
Higher Education Faculty- refers to the people who teach in a college or university. In this study it is the instructor/professors which handle criminology students.
General- relating to the main or major parts of something rather than the details.
Misbehavior- action or conduct that is inappropriate, improper, incorrect, or unexpected.
Professional- relating to a job that requires special education and training or skill.
Program- a plan of things that are done in order to achieve a specific result under which action may be taken toward a goal.
Student Services- in this study it refers to the services being offered by guidance office and prefect discipline.
This chapter presents the materials gathered by the researcher from different sources such as journal articles