Newer Graduates Picky in Job Selection
Autor: Sara17 • February 19, 2019 • 1,486 Words (6 Pages) • 789 Views
Are you going up or down in your life? You have that choice in your life, but sometimes you don’t realize it. Your teenage years are the best for determining the direction of your life. Once you are older it is harder to make a big change due to lack of time and freedom. Now is the time to go after what you want in life and acquire the skills to make it happen.
Example, when you drive a car, you are always making small adjustments and corrections while going in directions you are headed. That constant adjustment becomes very familiar and eventually you don’t even realize that you are making these adjustments. This is because the road is not always totally smooth and straight. The same goes for your goals and your life. There will always be small bumps in the road of life and you will always need to make adjustments to reach your goals.
Having a college degree or a high school education is never the end of a true education. In order to stay competitive in the job market and to stay in touch with the world as it continually evolves, you need to continue to develop your skills. There are amazing education opportunities available that will help you take the next step forward in either your career or simply your containment of knowledge as an individual.
Put your career in fast drive. No matter how many hours you put in at the office, you’re still waiting in line for your next promotion. While other people are advancing rapidly, you are the one that is always passed over. Sometimes all that’s necessary to get noticed by the higher-ups in a company is a continuing education. Pursue another degree or take some extra classes. This shows that you are committed to your job and the field that you are working in. You never know – the next promotion may arrive in your lap before you have even completed your classes or have attained your next degree.
In some fields, your income will automatically rise as you pursue your education. Find out if the company that you’re working for has an education policy in place that rewards workers for taking extra courses. If not, you can still take advantage of a higher income by either being promoted within the company you’re working for now or looking for another job that pays more due to your advanced credentials.
People that get educated and stay educated are able to take on more in life and can pursue their interests with a higher level of knowledge. There’s nothing better to help you get this personal satisfaction in life than to take charge of it by furthering your potential.
The whole world is open to you – you just need to be willing to grab it by the horns. Whether it is for personal satisfaction, to raise your income or to get the next promotion available, you’ll never lose when you’re committed to the endless pursuit of knowledge. You may just never know how high you can go unless you are willing to learn everything you can and then apply it to your life so that every day is a brand-new day that you can look forward to.