Application of Theoretical Aspects in Human Resource Planning & Staffing in to Practical Context
Autor: Maryam • March 19, 2018 • 2,612 Words (11 Pages) • 760 Views
As per nestle plc the work arrangement to the post of the senior brand manager is hypothetically assumed due to lack of information. Also to facilitate my analysis.
Exhibit -2
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- The manager here is normally expected to work from 9.00am to 5.00pm from Monday to Friday, but the starting and the ending time can be flexed according to the performance of the personnel, covering the core time period.
- Commenting on this opinion the arrangement derives many favorable outcomes such as,
Improve quality of work life,
Facilities to have a work life balance,
Increases job satisfaction etc.
- In contrast the major drawback is it reduces social relationships among peers at work due to differing times of starting and ending.
- In conclusion, having thoroughly examined the above data, flex time approach suits the role of a brand manager since She/he should report to office in a daily basis, in order to implement strategies and operations .The reasoning would be, branding plays a vital role in an organization.
- Confirmation of job Objectives.
Having identified the role played by the senior brand manager of nestle it pursue many core job characteristics as,
- The job contains a high level of independence and freedom in carrying out the duties
- The job has a major impact on the subordinates because others have to operationalize the strategies that he implements.
- The job performs a wide variety of skills such as implementing branding strategies, motivating employees to boost the branding, brand positioning ect.
So it confirms that the job role pursue more of behavioral elements.
Referring to the above character and the duties, the objectives accurate since brand manager should pursue a wide variety of skills and responsibilities and should acquire a max level of independence at work.
Additional Notes
These duties and responsibilities will be change upon technological and structural changes in the organization.
Job analysis
Having done the job design it is vital that a job analysis is conducted.
Job analysis basically contains the essential details about the job and the job holder and it is deemed to be a systematic investigation.
Job analysis is a sequence of several steps as,
- Collecting info about the job
- Listing the tasks
- Identifying the critical tasks
- Identifying the critical competition
- Link the tasks and competencies
- Choose of selective and quality ranking factors (measurements).
So in order to conduct an effective job analysis it is essential to prepare three main documents.
- Job analysis checklist
- Job description
- Job specification
As the information does not exist on how the analysis checklist is prepared a draft checklist have been presented.
1.Job analysis checklist
Below Exhibit 03 shows a typical checklist which confirms the requirements of a brand manager which could be related to my selected job.
- Exhibit 03.
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- Job description
Job description is a vital document which describes duties, responsibilities, working conditions and other important aspects of a particular job.
The JD of the post of the “senior brand manager” has been presented as below.
Exhibit 4 –Job description[pic 24]
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- Job specification
Job specification mainly refers to the key qualifications and individual needs to perform a particular job.
Since the “Brand manager” is a role played by the managerial core of the organization it is essential to have a effective job specification to recruit the most suitable personnel.
The exhibit 5 shows the detailed specification of my selected job, and special amendments have been done by me to derive more useful information.