Quality Circle Improvement Teams and Statistical Process Control
Autor: Essays.club • February 28, 2018 • Creative Writing • 1,590 Words (7 Pages) • 821 Views
English Process Control
Improvement teams are professional teams affected by the same problem and looking to improve or resolve the situation. Are formed voluntarily to work together for a period of time.
Quality circles are a small group of people coming together voluntarily and periodically, to detect, analyze and find solutions to problems that arise in their work area.
Both working groups share a common methodology. In both cases must be focused, well-defined objectives, known and shared by all members. Its composition is very important not so much by the number of members but by the ability and competence of each to address the issues raised, as they must have access or information relevant to the topic addressed and, in both cases, must have a leader, coordinator or group leader.
The basic idea of both is to create awareness of quality and productivity in every one of the members of an organization, through teamwork and the sharing of experience and knowledge, and mutual support. All this, for the study and resolution of problems affecting the proper performance and quality of a work area, proposing ideas and alternatives with a focus on continuous improvement.
Quality Circle The term has two meanings, the first refers to a structure while the second process.
Structure: is fundamentally the way in which the group is integrated and is defined according to the position of members within a business organization. In practice, Quality Circles require an extended period of work under the guidance of an adviser.
Process: The process of a quality circle is divided into the following steps.
⦁ Identify the problem.
⦁ Problem analysis and information gathering.
C) Solutions.
D) Selection of a solution.
E) Presentation of the solution to management.
F) Implementation of the solution.
G) Evaluation of the solution.
Quality circles were to hold for a while and then abandon them, but must be kept constantly in operation, always seeking improvement.
Some conditions to be met to constitute an improvement team or a Quality Circle are:
• The goals and tasks to be explained so that fall by all.
• Must a compromise of team members to objectives.
• Communication between team member should be open, accurate and effective,
exchanging ideas and feelings.
• Must be achieved trust, acceptance and support among team members.
• The team should use the skills, knowledge, experience and skills of each of its members.
• Participation in the tasks should be equitable.
• In view of potential clashes driving you have to know the situation and promote constructive solutions.
• Must understand and apply appropriate procedures of decision making and problem solving.
•Quality circles are small. Eight is the ideal number. They meet at fixed intervals with a leader, to identify and solve problems related to their daily work.
•All members must work in one workshop or work area.
•Members must work under the same boss or supervisor, who in turn is also a member of the Circle.
•Usually, the boss or supervisor orders or decisions, are the members who decide together.
•Participation is voluntary for both the leader and the members.
•Circles meet once a week during the hours agreed with the immediate superiors.
•Ideally, the meetings are held in special places away from the work area.
• Circle members should receive special training to participate properly, both prior to the creation of the Circle, and continuing during operation
• Members of the group are those who choose the problem and which projects will worked.
• Ideally the selection process is not carried out by democratic vote (by majority vote), but by consensus, in this way all participants agree on the problems that must be resolved.
•Circles should receive assistance or advice to analyze a problem and decide.
•The General and technical experts must commit to providing assistance to Quality Circles.
•Presentations will be prepared to address previously presented to managers and technical experts who usually have the authority to make a decision about the viability of the proposal.
•The company must conduct periodic evaluations to determine whether you need is provided for the operation of Quality Circles, as well as for the implementation of the proposals arising from these.
For proper operation of group work is appropriate to emphasize the proper use of the following elements:
A clear agenda for meetings provides members with a roadmap in which to operate. The agenda must be submitted in advance to each member. You must include the time (start and end), place and purpose of the meeting. Can also be accompanied by supporting material.
Clear procedures
When you come to a common agreement about the rules or the methodology of the meeting, everyone feels more comfortable with the way meetings are conducted. Participation in the development leads to commitment.