Portfolio Perfor Mancereporting
Autor: Rachel • March 13, 2018 • 901 Words (4 Pages) • 637 Views
3.1.4 Five promises for attracting foreign business
In order to attract foreign investment, Japanese government makes five promises. They are offering foreign languages at stores, providing foreign investors free public wireless Lan, creating airports receive business jets, providing foreign investors well education environment to their children and the Japanese government and local government will offer foreign investment consultant services.
3.2 Restrict foreign direct investment in Japan
3.2.1 Monopolistic industries
Though Japan has a lot of government policies to promote foreign direct investment, some business area are monopolised by the Japanese government. According to the Japanese foreign investment guide(2015), the monopolistic sectors are including water supplier, postal services, arms, atomic energy, explosives, aerospace and aviation industries. Besides, in telecommunication industry, foreign investors can not hold exceed 30% of the rights to vote.
3.3 Right to private ownership and establishment
According to Japan business law handbook(2014), foreign private companies have the right to set up and own business in Japan and have the right to take party in the remunerative activities. As a result of that, Australian company can form both joint venture and a wholly-owned subsidiary in Japan. Based on the article 821 from the 2005 company law, Japanese government have the duty to ensure that foreign investment companies operate business in a lawful manner.
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Japan Business Law Handbook-Volume1-Strategic Information and Basic Laws, 2014, Right to private ownership and establishment, International Business Publication,USA, Viewed 28 September 2015