Portfolio Part 1: Interpersonal Effectiveness
Autor: Tim • June 23, 2018 • 1,344 Words (6 Pages) • 727 Views
I'll start by carrying a journal and record how I act in stressful situations. Once cooled down I will reflect on the situation to determine if my approach was the correct method. If the answer is no, it will give me the opportunity to recognise what strategies work and do not work for me (Hasson. Gill, 2014). I will also make a habit of closing my eyes and taking slow deep breaths whenever I feel the presence of anger or stress in my system (Hasson. Gill, 2014). Overall this will lead to improved handling of my emotions before they reach unmanageable levels.
To make sure the goals I have just set are working as planned, my levels of emotional stability will be tracked by retaking the NEO IPIP and Schutte’s emotional intelligence test every six months. If my scores on these tests are not improving I will need to implement new strategies.
By reflecting on my own intrapersonal strengths and weaknesses in regards to the Five Factor model, I found one of my strengths and core competencies as an international manager will be my extraverted nature. I have also found out that if I do not adhere to the goals I have set my emotional stability will have destructive effects in the future in terms of achieving my goal as an international manager.
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