Mgmt 605 Ethics Analysis
Autor: Mikki • December 13, 2017 • 1,065 Words (5 Pages) • 741 Views
not bring forth any ideas. Soon after, Lincoln would have to keep finding new people because all the good people will soon leave and go somewhere their work is appreciated.
· Moving forward, what do you recommend the leader do?
I recommend the leader to make personal acknowledgments like thank you letters showing you appreciate their hard work and effort. In addition, give credit when it’s due and also let your followers know that if anything happens they are not held accountable. Last but not least to trust them in their decisions so that they can be able to trust in their selves.
• Clearly articulates the major technical, legal, personal and/or social facts and values pertinent to the situation. Distinguishes legal from ethical concerns.
The personal values of this situation
The social values of this situation
There are no legal values pertinent to the situation only because you can not sue someone for you giving someone your thoughts unless you wrote a contract prior.
• Clearly identifies the legal, social and moral expectations of a professional in the ethical situation being examined.
• Identifies and explains the ethical standards, norms, principals, and values underlying the ethical issue.
Ultimately, the underlying ethical issue is that you must reward and acknowledge those who have helped you get to the position you wanted. Utilitarianism principle is used by there are good consequences and bad consequences. The good consequences are that Lincoln can be able to receive effective results from the subordinate’s decisions allowing to stay and work with him. The bad consequences are the subordinates will no longer work with Lincoln and he’ll be force to make rational decisions.
• Is able to articulate both far-reaching and immediate effects of particular policies and practices in ethical terms. Deeply and broadly projects consequences to a variety of stakeholders.
• A problem can be groupthink- poor quality in the decisions
• Create a conflict negatively. There would be a relationship conflict they would forget about the underlying issues and be upset with Lincoln.
• Results he can be people oriented and the needs of individuals
• Leadership is defined as “enabling others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members” (mcshane )
• Unethical to chooser personal rather than relational. Relational will take you further in the long run.
• Success: acceptance, satisfaction
• Be directive supportive, participative, and achievement oriented like the path goal leadership
• It is unethical to have hard influence tactics
Please remember this passage from the Phillips book needs to be about a leadership situation that has an ethical component to it. This does not necessarily mean a legal one. There may or may not be legal ramifications to the situation, but that is not relevant to this assignment.
Devotion to individual rights
He was able to make decisive and tough decisions because he knew it was the right thing to do in his presidency. This is what allow him to be