Mgmt 3006 - Business Ethics
Autor: Sharon • August 29, 2018 • 2,429 Words (10 Pages) • 823 Views
Deontology is another approach to utilitarianism, which is also known as non-consequentialism. "Deon" word had been described as "duty" and its origin was from Greek. Thus, deontology can be described as the duty and the goodness of human practices. Peter Ashford (2016) had stated that deontological ethics perspectives are expressing that an action which is morally well due to his or her own behaviors, but not because of the consequences of the action are good. In Grace and Cohen (2013, 33), it argued that deontology was respecting human rights and motivate people to become more duties on how they should behave, and what things are wrong or right. At least in the way that some acts are morally compulsory regardless of their results, thus the actions are considered as deontological ethics. In Kant (2002) had stated that there are no worldwide fixed deontology rules, and everyone, every group have rights to have their own deontology views. If an action had been done in good views then it would have a moral value. From this ethical perspectives, the collaboration between Dame Ellen MacArthur and ISU had shown in this ethical perspectives. This is because they had to respect human rights and other rights on protecting the environment which is morally well due to their actions and behaviors which are design a way to reduce the impact of plastic production on the environment. Moreover, the most deontological views can show in this articles was Professor Thompson. Thompson had to collect the plastic debris with senior executives from different companies such as Coca-Cola, Adidas. However, they had seen their own products on the sea which had seen as not ethical views. Therefore, Thompson had stated that consumers had rights and responsibility to recycle all the plastic bottles and also connecting the manufacturing industry from manufacture through to recycling. This is the way that Thompson had respecting rights and making the society aware about the importance of recycling and also motivate the society to do the things which are rights.
Libertarianism is an ethical perspective which showed that the moral values of human rights and the rights to be respected by others. In Grace and Cohen (2003, 35), it had stated that libertarianism giving the human rights to become freedom to talk, act without any rules and regulations. However, there still have rights or wrongs in libertarianism (Frederiksen 2010, 359). Rights perspectives had giving advantages chances and properties and negative rights had constraints someone to act in certain ways, and giving the rights to act without any rules (Jones and George 2009, 44). Libertarianism had giving human rights on legitimate, multiplicity, public and freedom. Frederiksen (2010, 359) stated that the industries have responsibility to use libertarianism perspectives to satisfy the stakeholders' interests and expectations. From the libertarianism perspectives, every researcher such as Gesamp, an environmental protection group, MacArthur, ISU, Thompson and others. They having the right to care or not care about the sea and also to decide whether need to protect the sea environment or not. Not violating any individual is the most important requirements in libertarianism perspectives.From this perspectives, it was certainly clear that every researchers had obeyed this principle and trying harder to design and innovation a way to reduce the impact of plastic production on the environment. Therefore, the researchers were doing moral rights in their actions. As a partnership with the researchers, I will respect their rights and decision, thus helping them up and support them to reduce our environmental effects, improving our food safety and health.
Virtue is the last perspectives out of 4 ethical perspectives. Virtue perspectives had been "founded by Aristotle, a Greek philosopher in 1970s (Grace and Cohen 2003, 18)." “Aristotle's virtue ethics perspectives stated that a moral human being should accomplish their roles and objectives well (Grace and Cohen 2013, 18).” The good or bad morality will be based on how good the individual was. This perspective can be applied to evrything such as products and services and companies and also can be applied to the human being. Virtue ethics had been argued by Grace and Cohen (2013, 19) that human being should be doing morally and live a virtuous life in oral to be a moral life. Justice was another word for virtue. Justice is an unbiased conduct and due reward in accordance with the moral or legitimate criterion. Under this perspectives, as the sea had been covered by the plastic and goes into our daily needs which are fish. The researchers such as Gesamp, MacArthur, Thompson and ISU had taken several actions and be more alert to the sea pollution level to reduce the sea environmental pollution. Due to their own goods responsibility, they had fair to the society and environment. In turns due to the technology advancement and plastic production, they had designed an innovative way to reduce the environmental impact and improve our food safety which will try to maximize the welfare of the society and environment. However, senior executives from Coca-Cola, Adidas, Dell and others, when they had gone to collecting plastic debris from the sea, they had found their own products in the sea. This had shown that their actions are not morally and ethical. Therefore, a broad agreement had been creating to move towards products that maximize recycling and re-use. This can be described as they had learned by doing and trying to apply virtue perspectives by doing the actions that are morally and rights to repairing their company's reputation. This is the virtue perspectives that had shown from the case study. As a stakeholders of the society, I will support and giving investment to this innovation and design.
In the conclusion, I would say every ethics should be applied to solve the problem but the most important was the virtue ethics. This is because we had to learn by doing and try to do the things that is right and ethically by recycling and reuse all the plastic bottle rather than just throw it to the sea. For example, if the design and innovation to reduce the environmental impact, our sea environment will become cleaner and all the foods that we eat will become healthier rather than eat plastic to our body. All the researches are also been actively involve to this projects to protect our sea and fishes. This actions had encouraged them involve themselves into corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR is a business strategy to act sustainable development by balancing