Market Segment
Autor: Sara17 • September 28, 2017 • 1,490 Words (6 Pages) • 788 Views
Company need to define and assesses the target market, product requirements and benefits before proceeding.
Challenges in NPD
• The innovation imperative
▫ Rapid change is the “norm”, and continuous innovation is necessary in many industries.
• New-product success
▫ New companies more disruptive
• New-product failure
▫ 90-95% of new-to-world ideas fail
Idea generation:
- Internal idea sources
- External idea sources
- Crowdsourcing
- Lead users
Concept development:
▫ Product idea
▫ Category concept
▫ Brand concept
▫ Concept testing
Quality function deployment (QFD)
▫ Customer attributes, turned into
▫ Engineering attributes
▫ Measures the costs in meeting customer requirements
Customer testing
• One result of QFD is a prototype
▫ Alpha testing – within the company
▫ Beta testing – with customers
Bring customers into a lab
Testing in home
Mobile test sites
Trade shows
Managing new-product development:
- Customer-centred--- underlying philosophy
- Team-based--- cross-functional teams, overlapping the steps in NPD
- Systematic NPD--- helps create innovation culture and produces more ideas
- New-product development in turbulent times--- innovation more often helps than hurts.
Great innovation:
• Relative advantage
▫ How much better is it, really
• Compatibility
▫ Does it match my values and experiences
• Complexity
▫ Do I have to get my 10 year old to make it work?
• Trialability
▫ Can I sample it first
• Observability
▫ Can I see and describe the benefits
Marketing throughout the product life cycle:
- Introduction stage
- Growth stage
- Maturity stage
- Decline stage
Chp 12:
Internal Marketing objectives:
- Survival
- Current profit maximization
- Market-share leadership
- Quality leadership
Company Costs - generally set the long term “floor
External factors affecting pricing decisions:
- Pricing in different types of markets
- Consumer perceptions of price and value
- Pricing and consumption
- Analyzing the price-demand relationship
- Price elasticity of demand
- Economic conditions
- Government
Generally, the more competitors the more influential price is as a strategic element
• The competitive information needed for a pricing strategy includes:
▫ Published competitive price lists and advertisements
▫ Competitive reaction to price moves in the past
▫ Timing of competitors’ price changes and initiating factors
▫ Information on competitors’ special campaigns
The relationship between price and demand is called elasticity of demand or sensitivity of price. It refers to the number of units of a product that would be demanded at different prices.
Customer value and competition:
- Prices for comparable substitute products create the price ceiling
- The price range allows for pricing to match customer perceived value
New-product pricing strategies:
- Market-skimming pricing--- Initial high prices to recoup costs
- Market-penetration pricing--- Lower priced to gain market share
Product mix and service mix pricing strategies:
- Product/service-line pricing
- Optional product/service pricing
- Captive product/service pricing
- By-product pricing
- Product/service-bundle pricing
Price adjustment:
- Cash discounts
- Quantity discounts