Leadership on Rupert Murdoch
Autor: Rachel • January 26, 2018 • 3,528 Words (15 Pages) • 630 Views
- How charismatic and visionary leadership contribute to motivating and developing others to improve engagement and productivity:
- Role of Strategic Leadership in leading and implementing change within organization:
Implementing change in organization requires an effort from team and leader who is heading up the operation each person must be involved in management changes and each of them have their own responsibilities and it is very important to understand the role of leadership in strategic implementation of the plan.
Whereas leadership plays a vital role in the making and implementing the strategies it starts from thinking provided from the vision and then we must establish an environment in which everyone knows their duties and what to do. Formulated strategies can’t be implemented without the involvement of every one. Everyone should understand the need of change and should contribute their effort to efficiently implement the strategies. And only leadership can inspire and motivate the people to bring change because people always resist change. Leadership works to find out the gaps by carefully scan the environment both internal and external. Further it is the duty of leader to formulate the plans to overcome the gaps per the requirement of situation. Strategies based at the analysis of leaders so we can say that an important task of leadership is to scan the organization’s environment carefully.
Leaders make decisions that help to achieve vision so the most important role of leadership is to make decisions. Leaders are responsible for proper functioning of the organization. So, they should decide what to do, how to do and by whom. Whole strategic management process depends upon the decision making of leader. Leaders decide how to achieve goals
- Evaluate the styles attributes and behaviors that make a leader effective.
- Apply these to the person you identified in Style, Attribute, and behavior to they demonstrate: There are three Style of Leadership
- Democratic style of Leadership: Democratic Style of leadership refers to take a consideration from the employee in the process of making decision this style of leadership makes a good bonding between employee and the leader of company. This is most likely to be used in the organization in which they are innovative in their approach and have an informal culture.
Most famous example for this kind of leadership can be seen in Google because every time when they must make a new decision they do the voting system and take opinion of every employee this creates a Motivated employee force.
But democratic style of leadership is not right for all situation such a when company is in crises and change this style of leadership is not suitable because employee decision can be biased toward their good and interest in flip of company interest.
- Laissez faire style of Leadership: this style of leadership gives employee more freedom to work on his own and he can decide how to work based on his own style of work while they never compromise with the quality and productivity of work. This style of Leadership can only be applicable to creative industries where employee need more freedom to work without anyone disturbance in their creativity.
It also fails to establish an accomplishment when there is crisis.
- Autocratic Style of Leadership: this style of leadership brings power to only one hand that is top management they make their decision and employee should follow the rules this type of leadership also hinders creativity and it is very useful in time of crisis. This type of leadership is most useful in factory or workplace where there is involvement of unskilled labor.
Behavior and Traits that make leader more effective:
Inspire action: They try to make a vision of the future that inspires the people to do whatever it needs to get on the goal. However best leaders also clear away the roadblocks that hinders the employee creativity and initiative that shows a higher amount of energy in this process.
Always be Optimistic: we always want to work with the people who always take us to new heights not with them who take us down to road. We must be sure to take out positivizes in the people it will help them to overcome from their own feelings and always spread good thing throughout the organization.
Support and Facilitate the team: all the employee in company need an environment that support their creativity and making them it is safe to take risk s to tell the right thing and to speak up, if we support our team like this it will help us to progress to organizational goals.
Communicate: In any organization, knowledge is power, and great leaders ensure that every employee, from the very top to the very bottom of the org chart, is provided with complete and up-to-date information about the organization’s goals, performance, successes, and failures. To achieve this level of connection, you should also provide ample channels for two-way communication between employees and managers, actively soliciting their ideas for improvement and rewarding employees for submitting them.
As in Case of Rupert Murdoch We can easily say after researching that much about him as he is an Autocratic type of leader and he has a charismatic behavior however his autocratic type of leadership leads him to a successful peak in less time. However, we can now say he is one of the best leader we have ever see through.
- Myself as a Leader: If I apply these descriptions to my style of Leadership I would like to show a democratic kind of leadership whereas I would like to take everyone with me to make a good understanding in my company and between the top management and employees it will make flexibility in company and make company more profitable.
- Already developed skills: As per me I have Laisses Faire kind of Leadership because I never intervene between the work done by my coworker and employee because where I work currently everyone is skilled and know how to work in team or individually because everyone knows what work must be done and I always have informal relation between me and my worker and colleague.
- Needs Developing: If I have to work in on my leadership style I would like to develop autocratic style of leadership because this is the only style of leadership which can help us to overcome form the time of crisis however I love the way what Rupert Murdoch do in his career and make too much goodwill in world from this type of leadership.