Diversity Research Audit Coca Cola Company
Autor: Jannisthomas • June 7, 2018 • 2,174 Words (9 Pages) • 762 Views
How many ADA enhancements were made to ensure programs and services were available to all people? I evaluated Coca-Cola’s own diversity audit with a fine tooth comb searching for specific information on disability enhancements. I was disappointed when I found just a small blurb about an employee who had a spinal cord injury and the accommodations that were made for him to return to work, and a program that focus specifically on disabled veterans. I turned my research to the web I found several legal cases where Coca-Cola was sued for not providing reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities, some as recent as 2013. I was very disappointed by this. Coca-Cola has done so much to create an extensive diversity program, how could they be so lacking in this area? It is my recommendation that Coca-Cola Company create a focus group or perhaps a department to oversee and facilitate reasonable accommodation for disabled employees to prevent further litigation, and add to their broad diversity programs.
Are employee resource groups utilized? How many employees participate? Employee recourse groups are an integral part of Coca-Cola’s diversity program. They provide employees with commonalities a place to come together to find ways to effectively contribute to the workplace, determine training needs and bridge communication gap between managers and employees. As of 2011 5,200 employees actively participated in one of Coca-Cola’s business resource groups, a substantial number.
How many employees have attended training to enhance development in diversity? All employees of Coca-Cola Inc. are required to complete diversity training. Coca-Cola then offers many diversity focused trainings and guest speakers throughout each year that focus on specific groups. “The blended learning curriculum we offer includes an array of classroom based, experimental and online courses, and speaker series… to foster a better understanding of our colleagues, suppliers and customers…ultimately leading to greater strength in the marketplace.” (Terry Fitch, Coca Cola CCR). My recommendations would be to continue this program as is, and adding to it by including trainings as they become necessary as the world around us develops. I really like they was they incorporate different styles into this program, as everyone learns differently.
How many and what types of community events is this organization involved with that serve diverse populations? Coca-Cola is an active member of the community on many levels. They donate money and time at enormous rates, encouraging employees to do the same. One week each year Coca-Cola holds their “Sharing Happiness Week” where the company and all employees works to give back to their communities. During 2011 Sharing Happiness week associates dedicated 4,757 hours to community service, donated 20,662 pound of food to the needy, they raised over 29,000 and collected 43,000 items for charity. Again, this was accomplished in just one week. I find this data impressive and refreshing and just the tip of the iceberg with regard to how much Coca-Cola gives back. I think many companies should take note of Coca-Cola’s practices with regard to helping their community. Also supported by Coca-Cola is the Soccer in the streets program and The Special Olympics program.
Are diverse interviewing panels assembled for all job openings? I found no information specifically discussing “diverse hiring panels”, however, from the information I reviewed it appears as though executives and managers would fall back on their employee resource groups to guide them in these situations. I can see this working well for them, but also feel a group specifically designed to focus on recruitment of diverse candidates could be more helpful overall. With a specific goal in mind they could focus their attention to discussing issues of attracting a minority applicant and easily keep up to date with requirements etc.
What tools are used to recruit a diverse population of potential job candidates? “Our methods include college recruiting, veteran's associations, posting to job sites, college alumni associations, employee referrals, occasional use of search firms and directly searching for specific talent using our in-house search team. We strive to reach a talent audience that reflects the diversity of our consumers and customers across our local markets globally.” (Ceree Eberly, Coca-Cola Chief People Officer). Even her title is unique. Clearly diversity is on the forefront of Coca-Colas recruitment measures, and they work hard to retain a diverse staff as well.
What type of resources do employees have to provide feedback with regard to diversity initiatives? Certainly employee focus groups are a huge asset with regard to employees being able to provide feedback. Employees can address their concerns to the focus group who in turn can discuss the issues with supervisors and executives and collaborate to work on the issue at hand. Due to the extensive amount of training provided to staff, management and executives it is equally likely that an employee could voice concerns to a supervisor who may bring the issue to the focus group themselves. I really like this part of the program. Employees may feel more comfortable discussing a concern amongst a group of their peers, or they may feel more comfortable discussing issues with their direct supervisor with whom they may have a closer relationship. In either case there are systems in place to make sure employee’s voices are heard.
Have any partnership’s been formed with organizations that focus on the needs of diverse professionals and other candidates? Coca-Cola forms partnerships with many organizations that are diversity focused. Admittedly at times they reach are to firms that work to recruit a diverse pool of applicants for professional job openings. At this time I feel that they have secured their spot as an industry leader in hiring a diverse population of employees. That alone gets their name around in circles of minorities who could feel encouraged to apply to Coca-Cola.
How many employees have taken advantage of a diversity development opportunity? As a requirement all employees are required to attend the initial diversity training and required to attend a set number of diversity programs each year. They have the choice to attend guest speakers, diversity functions, or trainings that are geared to specific minority groups.
I found Coca-Cola’s overall diversity program to be impressive. They have worked hard to integrate diversity into each aspect of their business from employee’s to suppliers to consumers. They have set goals as to where they would like to take their diversity program by 2020,