Applied Economics and Management
Autor: Joshua • February 14, 2018 • 1,332 Words (6 Pages) • 816 Views
comes from those poor people. In 2010, the uninsured rate of low-income people was 42.2 percent and this rate was 34.9 percent in 2014. That is significant when you look in a national perspective. (ST)
3. The obamacare directly intervenes in the American health system and targets on the low-income people. Those numbers effectively indicates the effectiveness of the Obamacare on reducing the uninsured population.
B. Some people lost their previous insurances from their employers.
1. For example, under the new condition, the company needs to purchase an eligible health insurance plan for their employees. However, the new health insurance plan may be more expensive than the previous one. As a consequence of that, they still do not provide eligible health insurance and the employees have to buy it themselves. Companies would rather to pay for the penalty than offer the costly health insurance. (EX)
According to the Health Affairs published in Sept. 2013, the annual preu the average annual premium for employer-based health insurance was $15,745 to cover a family of four in 20128—employers may find it financially advantageous to not provide insurance at all, even after accounting for the Affordable Care Act’s penalty
1. (ST)
2. This phenomenon is caused by the requirements from the obamacare. Company will not change their employee’s health insurance unless there is a major change in the policy and Obamacare is exactly the cause.
C. People complain that they’re forced to buy insurances buy the government.
1. It is just like a sudden increase in our tuition without any negotiation. You may feel reluctant to pay for that. It is exactly what those opponents think. They feel they are force by the government. They believe this act deprived their freedom. (AA)
2. According to the New York Times published in Feb 2015. Some people claim they actually suffer from the Obamacare because of the tax penalty. (EX)
3. This consequence is caused by the Obamacare because otherwise people can choose to buy the insurance or not. But this act forces them to have health insurance or to pay a tax penalty.
Transition: In conclusion…
IV. Conclusion
A. Review: Today I have talked about the important health insurance reform in America led by the Obamacare. First I talked about this act’s background and content. Then I moved on to the Obamacare’s effects on U.S. society.
B. Final Thought: It will take some times for us to fully evaluate the effectiveness of this policy. In the future, if you see that all U.S. residences can use their health insurances to pay for the medical expenses, you know that the Obamacare is successful.
Works Cited
Austin, Daniel R., et al. "Small Increases to Employer Premiums Could Shift Millions
of People to the Exchanges and Add to Federal Outlays." Health Affairs 32.9
(2013): 1531-1537. Business Source Complete. Print. 11 Mar. 2015.
Cohen Robin A., et al. “Health Insurance Coverage: Early Release of Estimates From the
National Health Interview Survey, January–March 2014.” U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services Sept. 2014. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
Collins, Gail. "An Ode to Obamacare." New York Times 12 Feb. 2015: A29.
Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.
Medalia Carla. “Health Insurance in the United States: 2013.” U.S. Census Bureau Sept.
2014. Print. 13 Mar. 2015.
Pear, Robert. "Next Health Law Battle: Insurance Exchanges." New York Times 08 July
2012: 14. Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.
Sanger-Katz, Margot. "Open Enrollment Ends; Now the Tax Penalties Start." New York
Times 17 Feb. 2015: A3. Academic Search Complete.