Primecell Case Study
Autor: Tim • January 16, 2018 • 1,525 Words (7 Pages) • 600 Views
I can cultivate emotional intelligence in the staff by creating more opportunity for interaction and empathy. I will achieve this by building team efficacy through completion of some achievable, clearly defined short-term tasks. Harvard Business Review published an article that says team effectiveness relies on a well-cultivated group emotional intelligence. Group emotional intelligence fosters trust, identity, and efficacy, which ignites participation, cooperation and collaboration, better decisions, solutions that are more creative and results in higher productivity (Champoux, 2011)
RECOMMENDATIONSAt your earliest convenience, please, consider these short-term recommendations I have proposed below. At a minimum, your cooperation would be critically needed in helping me to achieve the result necessary to turn things around.
ACTION STEPS: PROS & CONSPros: Assemble the group to present the current problem we face and establish a timeline for achieving specific goals. Seek individual input on issues and empowering them through involvement and finding solutions. Provision more social meetings to discuss their suggestions. I anticipate that this social environment will allow team members to begin to see each other outside of their present, extremely, individualistic roles. Gives the team structure and ownership of the problem.
Cons: Could be perceived as threatening (either you “shape up or ship out”). Could lead to bickering and finger-pointing necessitating tight controls on context of discussion.
Pros: Provides a safe environment for employees to express themselves freely. Encourages contributions from staff that might not otherwise participate in the presence of stronger personalities; offers a forum to evaluate potential task group leaders and individual team members’ strengths.
Cons: Some staff may be intimidated by speaking directly to their boss, some employees may see it as an opportunity for personal advancement or as a forum to disparage co-workers without consequence. Will aggregate suggestions and group them into common themes.
Pros: This should represent the collective wisdom of the people doing the job and provide avenues for rapid short-term improvement.
Cons: Ideas developed by staff may not agree with obvious areas of needed improvement. Will necessitate off-site group meeting to foster group cohesiveness.
Pros: Off-site environment is less threatening and allows team individuals to specific improvement processes related to systems members to see each other in a non-work environment and outside of normal roles. The entire group sees their respective ideas play out. Designate leaders and engage them accordingly toward a common solution. Continued development of a sense of ownership of the problem. Set timelines for development and completion of action plans.
Cons: Personality conflicts may arise, individuals seek to establish dominance and leadership positions. Actively engage with staff, offer extra time for completion of process improvement tasks, assist with strategies, tactics and goal setting. Review and refine action plans developed by staff.
Pros: Allows for necessary alignment of goals, priorities and arbitration of disputes, it is also an additional opportunity for positive reinforcement and reward.
Cons: May be forced to arbitrate conflicts and end stalemates, leading to unhappy and disengaged staff. Set performance targets and schedule monthly reviews to assess progress.
Pros: Specific goals will keep staff focused on tasks and looking for other opportunities for performance improvement.
Cons: Goals seen as too ambitious creates a stressful environment that leads to dissension among staff. Review monthly progress with teams and refine goals as needed.
Pros: Offers regular, predictable feedback on performance and get individual feedback. Meet informally with staff individually in a safer environment to |opportunity for reward.
Cons: Possible letdown and apathy if goals are consistently not being met and have to be revised.
I firmly believe that a visible and remarkable improvement in performance can be obtained within a reasonable time frame, which consequently will lead to achieving consistent monthly decline of customer complaints.
Best-case scenario
By building a team approach, we foster an environment that leads to process improvement, a supportive work environment where information is shared, and employees are rewarded for extra work (such as training new staff) and for meeting performance standards.
Worst-case scenario
Employees do not fully take ownership of the problem, or take advantage of the opportunity to play a meaningful role in developing processes. Improvement is only marginal or non-existent, necessitating dismissals or outsourcing.
Most-likely scenario
Employees take advantage of the opportunity to refine core business processes and systems and build greater cohesion as a team. Significant management intervention remains necessary, at least periodically, to manage personality conflicts. Improvement is slower but steady until performance targets are ultimately achieved.
Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Organizational Behavior - Stephen Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Bruce Millett, Maree Boyle - Google Books. (n.d.). Retrieved from