Business Plan Joga Bonito
Autor: Maryam • February 20, 2019 • 2,903 Words (12 Pages) • 788 Views
- Micro and macro economic analysis:
Our wish to implement the project in Düsseldorf comes from the demographic characteristics
of this city, it’s growth potential, and Its lack of supplying in terms of football facility.
Dusseldorf is the capital city of the state of North Rhine – Westphalia in Germany and is in
the center of Rhine – Ruhr metropolitan region. The region is the political center of
North-Rhine Westphalia, and a dynamic business location for starts up and creative
industries. The population in the region grew by 0,3 % from 1529 millions in 2015 to 1534
millions in 2016. The city council consists of 82 councilors of the mayor. Thomas Geisel, a
member of the social democratic party is the mayor and the chairman of the council.
On an economic point of view, Düsseldorf would be an appropriate city to implement our
business model. Dusseldorf metropolitan region’s nominal GDP grew by 1,86% to 80 billion
euros in 2016, and accounted for 2,6% of the national GDP. Over the period 2017-2025, the
metropolitan’s GDP is planned to grow at an average annual rate of 1,4%. It’s GDP per
capita is at 52,145 euros, which is higher than big cities in Germany as Frankfurt and Berlin.
The tertian sector contributes to most of the economy of the metropolitan’s region (74,9%),
followed by the secondary sector (24,9%). Finally, the unemployment rate of this region is at
5,1% in 2016, compared to 6,3% in 2010. This low rate is explained by higher job creation in
the service sector. This unemployment rate is forecasted to reach 4,8% by 2025.
GDP evolution:
[pic 3]
On a social and demographic point of view, Düsseldorf is a city with a high potential. The city
has 601 074 inhabitants and the region’s population is expected to reach 1,58 million in
2025, with a growth rate of 0,3%. This region is going to be more and more dynamic with an
ongoing immigration of students and immigration jobseekers, which will increase the 18-25
age group. The university ofDüsseldorf is ranked within the 500 best universities in the world.
30 000 students are enrolled in this university. That gives to our project a lot of potential
football players. The working age population 15-64 in the Dusseldorf region represents a high part of the population with 65,1% of the metropolitan population. Finally, Düsseldorf Is a cosmopolitan city where 120 852 foreigners are living in 2016.
An increase of the population is planned for the Düsseldorf region:
[pic 4]
The airport of Düsseldorf is the third largest airport of Germany after Fankfurt and Munich in
terms of passenger traffic. The airport handled 23,5 million passengers in 2016, up by 4,7%
from 22,5 million passengers in 2016. It serves a total of 203 destinations across 51
countries with over 72 airlines.
Finally, as we will rent an empty office under a commercial lease where we would negotiate with the authorities the transformation of an empty office into a five a side soccer, it’s relevant to include in our business plan some key indicators about the real estate market in Düsseldorf. There was in 2016 a total office space of 8,9 million square meters, with an additional 376 000 square meters which are under construction. The average prime office rent is 26,5 euros per square meters a month in 2016. For a residential apartment, you will be charged on average 7,6 euros per square meter per month, which is less than Munich (15,1 euros), Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Hamburg and Köln.
We are convinced that all market characteristics will allow a satisfying occupancy rate of our
pitches. We have chosen this city after a study where we have found the above key elements.
B) Demand and needs:
Football is the favorite sport of the german, with 6,5 millions players, or 8% of the population that are members of one of the 27 000 teams. It is a huge market that our project could benefit from. Our project is meant to attract the 15-35 which are by far one of the predominating group age in the city.
Düsseldorf is a dynamic working city with a lot of office workers. Usually, they finish their day late, even if we are germany. They do not have the time to join a football team during the week, or they just want to relax after a busy day with their colleagues and friends. Our soccercenter will allow us to spend some good times, no matter the weather or the time. Our soccercenter would also be a place where companies can organize a lot of events thanks our seminar rooms.
Moreover, the university of Düsseldorf enrolls 30 000 students. Our center that will be located between the university and the working district would be the place where students can organize a football with their friends whenever they want. Also, our championships that we organize twice every year will be a weekly event for them. Our long term objective is to bring the five a side french culture in germany, that see five a side as a real hobby.
C) Competition:
Five a side is in germany mostly operated by local businessmen. In Düsseldorf, we have identified only one competitor. His name is “Cageball”. It is located in the north-east of city, 5 kms from the city center. It is opened every day between 2pm and 8pm. He has 7 fields, which is quite good, but their specificity