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How Has Development Come to Be Associated Popularly with Poverty Alleviation?

Autor:   •  January 30, 2019  •  1,636 Words (7 Pages)  •  807 Views

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Limiting factors include no access to electricity, safe drinking water, dangerous and unhealthy cooking fuels such as kerosene for cooking and lighting, unhygienic living conditions (Slums)

However, development in technologies has been innovated to alleviate such hardships. A solar

light that charges during the day to use at night reduces or removes the need for harmful fuels

like kerosene. Access to fuel efficient cook stoves that produce almost no smoke have faster

Cooking times and use less fuel, which saves time and lives. And access to simple water filters

that remove water-borne bacteria make water safe to drink.

Education, skills and training development

The Skills development gained in learning institutions by young people have direct positive impact into their adulthood outcomes. Peoples who achieve any type of qualification in school or through Staff trainings are more likely to be employed than those who don’t have. Acquisition of Educational credentials facilitates entry into Labour markets and enhances income levels. It is well noted that, incomes creations is a way of poverty alleviation in the society. Increased or introduction to Education development reduces out-of-work poverty by increasing the likelihood of being in paid work and earnings for the work done. (Smith and Middleton, 2007).Cassen, C. and Kingdon, G. (2007) Tackling Low Educational Achievement. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Investment in industrial Development

Industrialization holds the key role in creating decent employment opportunities for a youthful population, a pathway out of poverty and thus accelerating developing nation’s people’s incomes level. Developing countries must develop and implement policies to create a favorable business environment for firms to invest and also sustain private sector. These policy reforms should focus on creating conditions that will enable enterprises establish, grow and compete globally. Industries alleviate poverty through many forms like; job creation, creating tax avenues to the county, participating in social activities such as donations, planting trees, supporting children’s homes, proper waste disposal. These industrial activates improves the standard of living of the people. Patrick Kormawa and Afeikhena Jerome. 2015. CHAPTER 7

Infrastructures development

Investments in infrastructure development such as; Roads, Railway, Airports constructions, street lighting, constructions of market centers, participation and creation of regional and emerging markets. These avenues facilitate movement of goods and services in faster and less costly manner enhancing trade development to the people. This also improves availability of goods and services to the people hence improving people’s standards of living.

Finance and microfinance development

Microfinance has proven to be an effective and powerful tool for poverty reduction. Microfinance is widely viewed as a means for poor people to develop small businesses through accessing credit facilities to finance their enterprises.

Microfinance specialists increasingly, therefore, view improvements in economic security—income protection rather than promotion (Dreze and Sen, 1989121)—as the first step in poverty reduction. ‘…from the perspective of poverty reduction, access to reliable, monetized savings facilities can help the poor smooth consumption over periods of cyclical or unexpected crises, thus greatly improving their economic security. It is only when people have some economic security that ‘access to credit can help them move out of poverty by improving the productivity of their enterprises or creating new sources of livelihood’ (Bennet and Cuevas, 1996122 authors’).


Development is the most powerful instrument for reducing poverty and improving the quality of life in developing countries. Both cross-country research and country case studies provide overwhelming evidence that rapid and sustained development is critical to making faster progress towards the Millennium Development Goals – and not just the first goal of halving the global proportion of people living on less than $1 a day. Development can generate virtuous circles of prosperity and opportunity. Strong Development and employment opportunities improve incentives for parents to invest in their children’s education by sending them to school. This may lead to the emergence of a strong and growing group of entrepreneurs, which should generate pressure for improved governance. Strong economic growth therefore advances human development, which, in turn, promotes economic growth. The extent to which growth reduces poverty depends on the degree to which the poor participate in the growth process and share in its proceeds. Thus, both the pace and pattern of growth matter for reducing poverty.


Canning D. E., Schofield H. 2007The effect of fertility on female labor supply and household poverty in Indonesia Boston, MA: Harvard School of Public Health.

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United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) 2004State of the world population 2004 New York, NY: United Nations

Todaro, M.P. & Smith, C.S. (2006). Economic Development. England: Pearson Education Limited, p. 20-21.


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