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I Robot: Morality and Ethnicity

Autor:   •  December 14, 2017  •  1,575 Words (7 Pages)  •  911 Views

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The spiritual and physical sides of human beings are what makes them have the morality and follow ethical dogmas. The fact that a human being can make his/her own decisions, the spirit of free will, be creative is because of the presence of a soul in the human being. It gives human being the conscience and that they do not need any laws or rules to determine what is bad and what is not. The theological part comes in when the robot is given the conscience to have feelings like human beings do. It is in contradiction to the God’s creation in which only his creation ca have feelings while the humans have the conscience. It would then have made human beings to be like machines since they will be functioning like robots. Human beings have a divine connection with their creator which the robots do not have (Asimov, I Robot Theme of Morality and Ethnicity, 2016).

Almost all the robots in the movie except Sonny try to kill the detective due to the wrongly programed motherboard. For the case of human beings, it is not possible for many people to try to kill a person not unless that person is dangerous to the human existence on a large scale like terrorism. Additionally, for a human being to kill another one, that person must be against the law like a criminal. Detective Spooner is not against any law whatsoever, yet, the robots are hunting him down as he tries to question their intelligence. Every human being has the right to ask what they think is not ethical. The existence of robots is in an era when the technology begins booming and it conflicts with real human hood (Dvorsky, 2014).

Sacrifice is seen when the detective offers his life to defend the moral and ethnics of human hood. Morality and ethnicity are decaying due to the presence of the robots which makes Spooner fight to bring them back. He is an example of Jesus Christ who did offer His life to bring salvation to humankind. At the same time, the connection of the creation with its creator is shown. Sonny is the unique robot created to bring salvation to the robots and it is shown at the end of the movie leading the nonviolent kinds of robots in making the world a better place by ensuring there is peaceful co-existence with humans. Sonny also is connected with Jesus as the same way God, he brings peace to the robotic world as well as salvation. On the contrary, the machines are capable of eliminating evil without hesitation and they would use their conscience to save humanity from all evil and dangers (Toghia, 2014).

In conclusion, the movie I Robot capitalizes on the moral and ethics theme. Additionally, the movie is very much entertaining in which it has some very critical themes to think about. There is a contradiction between religion and atheist faith. In trying to portray the theological theme, the director of the movie includes other themes as well to intermingle with the main one. Even though the main theme is the morality and ethnicity which includes the theological one. Morality and theology are always together. The future has great opportunities to offer especially regarding technology with the evolution of robots. With regard to the movie, implementation of technology must be able to follow the morals and the ethics of the society so as to ensure there is peaceful coexistence. Having a soul makes human beings different from any other creation even the robots thus very special. The movie strengthens the beliefs of the religious people and it shows how human being are special in a different way. There is no any point in life that there will be any creation more special than a human being.


Asimov, I. (2016, January 12). I Robot Theme of Morality and Ethnicity. Retrieved from Shmoop Premium:

Asimov, I. (2016, January 12). I, Robot Themes & Motifs. Retrieved from BookRags:

Dvorsky, G. (2014, march 28). Why Asimov's Three Laws Of Robotics Can't Protect Us. Retrieved from Daily Explainer:

Munteanu, N. (2005, February 14). Unexpected Protocol: A Critique of the I, Robot Book and Motion Picture. Retrieved from Strange Horizons:

Singer, P. W. ( 2009, May 18). Isaac Asimov's Laws of Robotics Are Wrong. Retrieved from Brookings:

Toghia, K. (2014, June 08 ). Information/ Government/ Humankind/ Faith. Retrieved from I Robot:


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