Why Taking a Year off Before Starting College Is Beneficial
Autor: Maryam • April 22, 2018 • 1,139 Words (5 Pages) • 791 Views
Thirdly, taking a year off before entering college help students to get hands on experience. A few colleges, including Harvard, actually encourage students to take a year off before entering college. Harvard admissions Dean Bill Fitzsimmons, author of an essay promoting the gap year called "Time Out or Burn out for the Next Generation," said about “40% of students admitted to Harvard each year decide to defer admission; another 40% are accepted on the condition that they won't begin until the following year”. An article co-authored by two members of Harvard's admissions office in 2000 said that” time away from school can make some candidates better prepared and more desirable to colleges,” (Cohen). Many of the organized programs offer students classes during their year away, often a fifth year of high school in foreign countries. “But their experiences outside the classroom are just as valuable,” (Cohen) said Routman. These are students who have a set of life experiences and living skills that make them more confident, more self-reliant, and a better college student. Teens who take a gap year generally fall into two categories. Some are top-notch students who have been accepted to college but have asked for a one-year deferral. Others have struggled in high school and need a break before applying to college.
In conclusion, it can beneficial for some student who decide to take a break before going into college by having the ability to be mature, being able to pay for tuition and experiences.
Going to college is the wiser choice to make, however going to college without knowing what major you want to pursue is a mistake.
Works Cited
Ben, Jones."'Gap year' options span the globe; Some high school graduates take the year before college off to travel, save money for tuition or get hands-on experience." Star Tribune [Minneapolis, MN] 12 Aug. 2010: 1E. Business Insights: Essentials. Web. 22 Oct. 2014. Print.
Cohen, Jodi. “More high school students take a break before college”. Chicago Tribune (Chicago, IL) [1085-6706] Cohen, Jodi yr. 2008. Print.
Rivera, Madeleine. “I might take year off before I start college”. (LOCAL). The Record (Bergen County, NJ) yr. 2007.Print. pg. L02
Wilgoren, Jodi. "Before college, year off beckons to well off." New York Times 17 Apr. 2001: A1. Business Insights: Essentials. Web. 21 Nov. 2014. Print.