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Juvinile Deliquency : The Disoriented Innocence

Autor:   •  February 18, 2019  •  Essay  •  680 Words (3 Pages)  •  799 Views

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Yesterday evening,while i was flipping channels on my television.Something caught my eye,what was it? The much famous,indian series of GUMRAH was on air.Somehow,i was able to watch the episode until the very end and i realised how vigourously impactful the concept of juvinile  deliquency had become ,which urged me to use this platform and discuss with you the need of hour to do something about it.


 Committing criminal acts or offences  by the youth or even the children below at which the ordinary criminal prosecution is possible is called juvenile deliquency in its literal terms.deliquent is a person who fails to obey the laws.


While reading about this issue,i came across Many parameters that are affecting this issue and that bring about the seamy side of life going to discuss broadly four sections to what i found was leading to juvenile delinquency.

  1. the most common reason to why we see a lot of crimes by children is when their goals are unattainable with legal means so they find unlawful means way easier and fall prey to these juvinile crimes.we can easily relate with the same and must have come across a lot of such example is of a child who wants to fetch a job and buy a car.But since he failed tio get a job to get money,he inturn steals a car or steals money to buy a car.
  2. when juvenile's fail to meet society's standards,they become delinquent.They,then turn to subculture groups who actually act in manners that are not ven socially acceptable and rebel against the society for not getting the same society standard.for example,juveniles commit crimes,such as stealing,because it is not a social norm,and they do it to fit in their subculture.
  3. Now,we all know choosing and walking on the right path is far more difficult,and much challenging than the wrong path full of opportunities,lust,and at a certain stage,profits too.These are not just the social factors or the poverty,this can even be when a juvenile fails to gain employment in today's persistent rat race ,its about how less the scarcity of opportunies is shifting the whole lot of juvenile to juvenile crimes.
  4. its not just about the crimes directly,but their behaviour that leads them there is the issue.what actually pushes the children towards deviant behaviour? should we only blame children?  The role of a juvenile's family,the community,the school and education   as well as their peer influence is what needs to be taken  care of as well.poverty is being the biggest contributing factor in children taking up crimes.Most of the children go through multiple deprivations,with low economic households,uneducated parents,disrupted families,many children are even dropouts and even working independently to support their families,giving rise to child labour,another great social issue of today.                                

who is responsible? what can be done ?                                                          

we too,as a part of the society,and individuals are guilty of apathy towards homeless and less fortunate children.

what would you do if you had to leave your home at the age of 11,or had to earn money for your home because your loved ones are dying from hunger.wouldnt you fall prey to the act of juvenile crimes? This is what needs to be eradicated.


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