Demian by Hermann Hesse - the Life of Emil Sinclair
Autor: • December 24, 2018 • Essay • 1,512 Words (7 Pages) • 1,062 Views
by Hermann Hesse.
It is a German handiwork; is about the life of Emil Sinclair, a boy with a way of thinking different from the generality of people, feeling confused because he does not find the object of his stay in life. Sinclair is a boy who lives with his parents and has everything, money, food, love, happiness. But the problem begins when you begin to know the outside world and you are curious to experience new things. Hermann Hesse, relates in the novel titled Demian, the good and bad situations in which in the own adolescence, one feels sometimes in the clouds and other times in a hole empty and deep. Analyzing the role of Emir, we can say that the author wanted to put as an example to our current society, since we are dedicated to questioning the why of the acts.
This story begins with the childhood of Sinclair, who lives with his parents, in a big house, is a stable family in which above all there is trust, love and affection among the members. One day at school Sinclair invents a story about stealing some apples and is then blackmailed by an eleven year old thug, Franz Kromer. Not having enough money to pay off Kromer, Sinclair begins to steal and is otherwise subjected to tormenting humiliation by Kromer. A slightly older, but amazingly mature boy.
Sinclair begins to grow and try to know the "outside world", at first it becomes interesting, fun, to experience new sensations, but this brings problems and consequences, in these moments of his life. Max Demian, soon enters Sinclair's school. He approaches Sinclair one day after class and presents him with an inventive interpretation of the story of Cain and Abel. This interpretation contradicts the standard Christian story Sinclair has been fed and the new idea excites Sinclair. Seemingly knowing everything, and with unbounded capability, Demian convinces Kromer to stop tormenting Sinclair.
Demian, the who becomes his counselor, psychologist and best friend. The two form a great friendship but there comes a time when they separate for a long time then Sinclair goes to study at the university .
One day Sinclair meets a boy (Alfons Beck), who goes to a bar and invites him. Exceeds drinking to the point of losing control of their actions. This becomes a routine for him and every time things get worse, he is almost expelled from school for not studying or paying attention in classes, because of this his dad does not want him at home with that behavior. However, he continues his nightlife without limits.
Spent the time and Sinclair sees a girl, but is not able to talk with her, or show up, is just totally in love and takes it as inspiration to get ahead, everything he does for every day to see it.
He starts painting portraits of Beatrice, the name he gives the girl. Each time his portraits are like someone he already knows but is not able to recognize who he is. Until one day he realizes that he has a great resemblance to his great friend Max Demian, and that he has never stopped thinking about him. Sinclair charges the energies and begins to do well in school, to be more expressive with others and stops going to the bars.
In one of his vacations he goes to visit his town and finds Max, but they do not talk, and they do not give directions or where they can be contacted. Only Max brings up the subject of a god of heaven and hell Abraxas.
Back to the University Sinclair began to investigate about Abraxas, in his search he meets Pistorius, a gentleman who spends his time playing in a church, was filled with curiosity and was going to listen to him often. They became good friends because the talks they had were very similar to what they used to have with Max, for example Pistorius also knew Abraxas. Some advice and teachings that Max had given to Sinclair, Pistorius also gets to know.
When Sinclair returns to his village, he tries to investigate where his friend lives, but he does not get anything, the house where he lived was inhabited by an unknown lady.
One day he meets him on the street and follows him to his house, Demian recognizes him, greets him very affectionately and invites him to come. Sinclair starts going to his friend's house every day and they recover that great relationship they had formed many years ago.
Sinclair meets Eva, Demian's mother,