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Business Process Investigation

Autor:   •  December 9, 2017  •  817 Words (4 Pages)  •  630 Views

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for it immediately; it could probably be because there’s risk involved in it and they’re comfortable with what they have.

(3) If you were assigned to lead a new implementation effort, what 3 specific implementation steps would be your highest priority? Please justify your answer.

First, a proper plan shall be designed, which involves allotting required budget, and how the whole process is going to go and how long the training needs to be undertaken. Later, a small team would be selected in order to test the product before implementing it across the company. The testing would be done for as many days as required, which is based on the time we have and also based on the results. For example, if after a couple of days of testing, there are mixed results about the product, the testing may be needed to be continued further. Once the issues with the product or with the implementation are understood, we can look for a work-around or get support as required.

Post that, training could be provided to rest of the individuals, few at a time, rather than training all at once and asking them to work on it. This way, once they start working, we could check the acceptance rate and take any steps if or when necessary. This also helps in maintaining support constantly to those who need it. This could also help in making the employees understand in a better way.

The factors that have the highest correlation with positive user acceptance of a new system are Adaptability, IT skills and Level of understanding. In short, these would be concentrated more while implementing a new system.


1. Michael Krigsman (11, 2010) Understanding Lumber Liquidators’ ERP failure Retrieved from Enterprise Irregulars:

2. The Sage ERP Team (11, 2010) Lumber Liquidators ERP Failure Retrieved from Sage ERP:


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