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Yem Technology Pty Ltd - Business Process Management

Autor:   •  October 23, 2018  •  1,169 Words (5 Pages)  •  879 Views

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3.3.2 All mechanical components in one piece

3.3.3 Free access to location

3.3.4 Flights and accommodation for subcontractors

3.3.5 Any labor associated with equipment which does not comply with Australian Standards

4. Might-be Plan B

As for the “Bidding”, it is all about Budget Controlling and Schedule Estimating, while the two key elements impact back on each other. Typically, “budget” is happening in every single process in the scope of work as the main work flow in below.

4.1 Technical Support

Strong and stable technical support is the first step, which ensures all the rest following steps come to the right direction. This is not only time saving, but also avoids all the work coming back and forth, which in result, saves the cost.

When a project is approached, a solid meeting plan among different parties needs to be confirmed. For example:

4.1.1 First thing first, a job site inspection should be made together by experienced technical engineers, experienced site labors and clients.

4.1.2 A weekly meeting with all the parties mentioned above should be arranged

4.1.3 A log regarding the work needs to be updated daily

4.2 Vendor Control

Whether stable vendors are available is really crucial to the success of the sourcing activity. 1stly, production capacity and vendor’s production schedule contributes to whether the job is closed on time; 2ndly, vendor’s table sourcing and capacity affects the final price which resulting in whether the job is done in budget.

4.2.1 Establish the long-term business relationship with top brand suppliers; it is not all about brand, yet the safety of the jobs is highly required, and normally top-brand vendors have mature and high-quality sources

4.2.2 Category the vendors as per the location, brands, top-products/models; in this case, the management can make a wiser decision by considering the location and all needed judgmental elements

4.2.3 Always have a back-up vendor; lock the delivery and budget always in the acceptable zone

4.2.4 Regular meeting/visiting to the vendors and always update the vendor list with updated info

4.2.5 Signing exclusive contract or a contract for safe stock depending on the crucial parts of the materials/equipments needed

4.3 Quality Control

In each project/job, being effective means making profit. So to cut down the risk of having a troublesome thing on hand, we suggest:

4.3.1 Supplier inspection before giving it a go

4.3.2 Setting up inspection team nearby

4.3.3 Inspection/quality check before delivery

4.3.4 Relevant quality certificated provided

In a word, it will be easier to find issues at early stage until it is too late.

4.4 Delivery Control

4.4.1 Decide whether to be delivered by truck or container according to specific jobs

4.4.2 Contract with delivery vendors for VIP price

4.4.3 Coordinate with equipment vendors and delivery vendors for delivery planning in advance

4.4.4 Safe package for equipments

4.5 Installation/After-sale Labor Control

As for YEM, one of the main services is installing and considering the high cost of labor here in Perth, we suggest:

4.5.1 Experienced labors importing from China headquarter

4.5.2 Regular training offered for fixed labors

4.5.3 Good welfare provided to keep the experienced labors to stay

4.5.4 Annually testing to make sure the labors are up-to-date

4.5.5 Clear job tiles setup to cheer the labors with the hope for promotion

4.5.6 Effectiveness-checking system installed among labors, like a solid reward and punishment system within law allowance

4.5.7 Experienced HR and Admin

5. Conclusion

In all the controlling processes discussed above, we cannot say which process is more important than one other. In the contrary, they do affect each other, which finally has a great impact on the “Bidding” part. Controlling the process from a very early stage and equipped with a developed system regarding all the processes are the keys. As long as the matured process is proved, it will be easy to adapted to work out a more concrete budget/bidding, which reduces the risking of losing the projects because of bidding too hight, or losing money because of bidding too low.


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