The Wests Obligation: The Syrian Crisis
Autor: Sharon • December 7, 2017 • 902 Words (4 Pages) • 771 Views
leave everything behind fleeing with whatever was closest, many times just the clothes on their back. If they were lucky they would get to flee with all of their loved ones, a rare occurrence. The fact that many parents are forced to take their children and flee the violence on land through crowded and dangerous boats proves how truly unsafe this situation is. Think about it. Take the risk of staying home and being murdered by your own government or the rebels or jump on a boat and take that slim chance of getting out of the war zone. What would you choose?
These innocent civilians have had many doors slammed shut in their face because of the prejudice against their religion and cultural backgrounds. Islamophobia has recently become a huge problem in our society. The media can be to blame for this. More often than not, we see white mass shooters being titled as someone who was mentally unstable and as such is humanized and justified for their actions. African Americans or Muslims on the other hand are wrongly labeled thugs or terrorists with no look into any internal reasoning. These individuals’ actions become a generalized assumption that everyone who shares their characterization is to blame. For example, how many times have you heard the saying “not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim”? It is not uncommon for someone in the western world to have fear or hatred towards Islam or Muslims. The real terrorist attacks on countries are planned and carried through by the few radicals that skew terribly evil thoughts and unfortunately have the support of just enough others to carry out their plan.
Syrian refugees have nowhere left to turn. Their home country is being ripped apart. ISIS enjoys showcasing their power through torturing and slaughtering innocent people in front of the public eye. Although many may assume otherwise, ISIS does not represent their otherwise peaceful faith. Those who make it out alive and manage to flee to neighbouring countries are then stuck in refugee camps in which are host to unbearable and inhumane conditions. Justin Trudeau’s plan to take in 25,000 refugees is only a mere ten percent of the people who have already deceased. That means for every one refugee we accept, ten have already died. For years Canada was known as the peacemakers of the world. Without hesitation it is our moral obligation to bring some peace to as many Syrian refugees as possible.