Social Empowerment Paper
Autor: Maryam • November 19, 2017 • 7,103 Words (29 Pages) • 718 Views
2. Leadership and Top Management Team (TMT) factors
To explore more on the effect of Leader-Member Exchange(LME), role clarity, psychological empowerment, engagement on turnover intention, general health, work performance and employee wellness. Exploration on LME is to be applied for virtual teams using varying degrees of electronic communication-interaction between LME and degree of electronic communication. Meanwhile there are several limitation highlighted from previous researches on TMT. Future studies could be focused on TMT personalities from both convergent and divergent perspectives. They have to use the referent-shift consensus to directly evaluate team collective personality traits. Also, study has to be concentrated in level CEO-TMT exchange quality by considering various relationship amongst CEO’s and his or her executives or peers. How an individual CEO’s personality traits moderate the relationship between TMT personality composition and psychological empowerment should also be investigated.
3. Consideration of additional organizational environment elements
Access to information and information sharing, resources, learning opportunities and team accountability may also expand understanding of factors that contribute to employee psychological empowerment. On the other hand, future research have to to look into how and to what degree spirituality manifests itself in the workplace in terms of observable behaviors towards psychological empowerment. Future research, may consider including many more factors such as the interaction effects of work engagement, affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior that can be incorporated to find their effect on creativity towards psychological empowerment.
Suggestion for future researcher, they may employ an empirical investigation, with both qualitative and quantitative analyses, to test the model and validate it. They may assess similar data from different context, in order to provide informative validation for the results of their study. The future research needs to be based on multiple sources because a cross-sectional survey method restricts research to take part its target group. And last but not least, to replicate their findings in other work environment.
Research suggests that psychological empowerment, defined as intrinsic task motivation manifested in an individual’s sense of meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact (Conger and Kanungo, 1988; Spreitzer, 1995; Thomas and Velthouse, 1990), is associated with various positive employee work outcomes. Chinese samples have captured and documented these aspects and its positive relationships. According to Aryee and Chen, 2006, empowerment has a positive relationship between organizational commitment, job satisfaction and task performance. However it has an inverse relationship with withdrawal behaviors. Apart from this, recent studies and research concluded that essential motivation and creative process engagement are also associated with empowerment. Nevertheless, to Zhang & Bartol, 2010 also indicated that there is a positive relationship with employee innovative behaviors. Both the studies confirm that important work attitudes and performance outcomes are the main linkage for psychological empowerment in a modern Chinese organization.
Pieterse, van Knippenberg, Schippers and Stam (2010) defined psychological empowerment, as an employee’s self-independency and motivation that initiates and regulates their actions to have the ability to perform their jobs well and successfully. In addition the motivation that develops within the employee as a result of being able to independent in a work environment creates meaningfulness in a job and has higher self-efficacy. Nearly every organization admits that they need employees who are psychologically empowered, who have ability to make decisions immediately without having to take permission from supervisors and who consider their job as a personal job and as a consequence turn up with creative ways of solving the issues. Based on Max, 2001, explanation individuals who believe they are strongly empowered to take a decisions will generate creative ideas to enhance the effectiveness of own department. Empowered individuals do not wait passively for the work environment to provide direction instead they take a proactive approach toward shaping and influencing work environment. In addition, Fernandez and Moldogaziev (2013) conducted an empirical study in public sector and explored that empowerment on the whole helped in promoting employees towards creativity.
According to Srivastava et al., 2006; Konczak et al., 2000, employee satisfaction, organizational commitment, and team-oriented performance is positively related to empowering leadership and Klidas et al., 2007 studies showed that the same was associated with enhancement of empowered behavior among hospitality employees. There are recent researchers focusing on leader empowering behaviors (LEB) or employee psychological empowerment (PE) as it is being seen as the main predictor in job satisfaction.
In the real world, when employees and managers shares the all responsibilities in work place, we will get to see maximum contribution from the employees and this contributed towards organization’s success. This was confirmed by Jha , 2014. Besides that, worker’s and leaders who ware fully involved in decision making, work as a team and share their objective, vision and mission collectively, this would enhance organization’s performance and output and this was proved by Senge, 1990.
The four dimensions such as individual's judgment of meaning (i.e. value of the work), competence (i.e. ability to perform the work), self-determination (i.e. choice in initiating and regulating actions), and impact (ability to affect or influence organizational outcomes) exhibits employees active status. According to Jha, 2014 all these four dimensions was from the cognitive perspective.
From various studies found that leadership empowerment do instilled the faith and motivate to achieve goal among their subordinates. For an example, Gandhi drove his followers by raised hopes, capabilities, and freedom of speech. The leaders transformational able to change and achieve their goal with full of team work. The empowering behavior of leaders inspires motivation among the subordinates or followers which increase the sense of achievement. Besides that, two way communications among the leaders and subordinates will maximize the career satisfaction. The