Selena Gomez Research Paper
Autor: Sara17 • May 9, 2018 • 1,690 Words (7 Pages) • 638 Views
for UNICEF”). UNICEF is active in more than 190 countries around the world. It is an organization that cooperates in building a world where the rights of every child are realized. UNICEF is promoting girls’ education. Educated girls grow up to become better thinkers, better citizens, and better parents to their own kids. The reason UNICEF was created was to work with others to overcome challenges that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path. UNICEF is part of the Global Movement for Children. It is a union dedicated to improving the life of each child (“About UNICEF: Who we are”). Charities like this one make sure to help children for the most part because they are the future’s generations that need to be educated in order to live successfully.
Selena Gomez has done a lot of charity work over the past few years. She said, “In my travels with UNICEF I have seen the devastating impact that lack of safe water can have on children.” In 2009 she was given the title of UNICEF ambassador. She is the youngest person yet to hold this position (“Selena Gomez Makes Charity Trip to Chile for UNICEF”). When celebrities lend a hand to those in needs it creates a sense of love and the average fans desire to follow in their direction. The small acts of kindness are the ones that help the most. Gomez has taken her time out of her daily life to assist the less fortunate.
On Selena Gomez’s travel to Chile she was greatly appreciated by many. Claudia Chaparro said, “It’s great that someone like you will take the time to visit the children and be with them. It is very important for a child with limited resources. They see you every day on television and I do too.” The Regional Director of FOSIS had something nice to say about Gomez as well, “Selena you are an example to thousands of children that will benefit from this guide. And there is no better agency than UNICEF, the world leaders on these matters, to give us this material” (“Selena Gomez Makes Charity Trip to Chile for UNICEF”). Even people of high entitlements can see that Selena Gomez is very giving. A mother, Carrie, also had something to state about Selena Gomez, “My five year old daughter is a huge fan of yours and I was excited to share your blog post with her. She wants me to tell you that she loves your songs and I want to say thank you for the work you are doing for UNICEF. You are setting a great example to your fans all over the world” (“Selena Gomez: UNICEF Tap Project”). The fact that Gomez took time out of her busy schedule to write a blog post about her helping a cause shows that she genuinely cares. From the many positive critics’ opinions it is safe to say that there are many people who appreciate her. There are also many people who might beg to differ but they might not have information on all the charity work that she does alongside her career.
Currently, Selena Gomez lives with her four dogs, stepfather, and mother in Los Angeles California. She has many hobbies. She likes surfing, cooking, photography, singing karaoke, and watching movies in theaters. Her favorite basketball team is the San Antonio Spurs (“Selena Gomez 1992-American Actor” 128-129). Sometimes people forget that superstars have lives outside of the television screen, on the radio, in movies. They have normal lives just likes us and they might enjoy spending their wealth for a good cause. Like many others, Gomez uses her money for others, not only herself.
Celebrities surely live a lavish lifestyle. Some have warm hearts like Selena Gomez who has shown her generosity in many forms. Those who use their fame and glory for good reasons deserve a round of applause. Selena Gomez is an excellent role model for young girls and boys around the world. Gomez has given her personal time to make a difference. She is definitely a giving humanitarian who has proved it by the many acts of kindness.