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Legalization of Medical Marijuana

Autor:   •  January 1, 2018  •  1,408 Words (6 Pages)  •  780 Views

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Martin, 2002, points out the fear of medical marijuana’s legalization because of proof that elongated use can cause damage to the body. Martin further explains that tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, which is a main component of marijuana, has already been studied and approved for medical use (5). For example, the drug Marinol, whose main ingredient is THC, is widely used as an aid for cancer patients going through chemotherapy, and AIDS patients dealing with appetite loss (“Marijuana: Legalities & Health Condition Uses,” n.d.). In addition to medicines similar to marijuana, harmful substances such as tobacco and alcohol are also legal. Boffey, 2014, points out a study of 20 drugs done by a scientific committee in Britain, Marijuana ranked eighth compared to alcohol’s ranking of first (2-3). Boffey also gives information from a study done by The Institute of Medicine, which found that tobacco and alcohol have much greater percentages of users becoming dependent, compared to marijuana users (4). Despite the fact that other harmful and similar substances are legal, it is important to recognize the impact elongated use of marijuana has on the body. However, with strict regulation and help from doctors to ween patients off of marijuana’s use, it still can prove beneficial for treatment.

Medical marijuana is quickly becoming an important topic to society relating it to beneficial medicine. While there are legitimate concerns with its abuse and harm to the body, with similar regulation of other legal drugs these concerns can be avoided. With its legalization states, such as Pennsylvania, would be providing suffering people with a chance to overcome and live pain free through their illnesses. Therefore, legalizing marijuana for medical use in PA would be an extremely beneficial decision.



Boffey, Phillip M. (2014, July 30). What Science Says About Marijuana. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Gerpen, Shawn V. Vik, Tamara. Soundy, Timothy J. (2015). Medical and Recreational Marijuana: What are the Risks?. South Dakota Medicine, 58-62.

Greer, George R. Grob, Charles S. Halberstadt, Adam L. (2014). PTSD Symptom Reports of Patients Evaluated for the New Mexico Medical Cannabis Program. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 46(1), 73-77.

History of the Medical Use of Marijuana. (2015, February 10). Retrieved from

Martin, Billy R. (2002). Medical Marijuana-Moving Beyond the Smoke. The Lancet, 360, 4-5.

Medical Marijuana: Legalities & Health Condition Uses. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Mirman, Jacob. (2014). Why We Need To Legalize Marijuana One More Potential Therapy. Minnesota Medicine, 97(4), 38.

Wenner, David. (2015, June 17). Here are the Facts on Medical Marijuana in PA. Retrieved from


Toulmin Analysis

My claim is that Pennsylvania should legalize the use of medical marijuana. My reasons are that medical marijuana has proven beneficial in helping control and end pain symptoms from diseases such as cancer, glaucoma, epilepsy, and emotional disorders and there is want from doctors and PA citizens of its legalization. My warrant is that the audience will want people with these diseases to have access to medicine that will help their conditions. My backing is that doctors, such as Mirman, are pushing for its legalization and 90% of PA citizens support it as well. My grounds are in the studies of patients with seizure conditions, PTSD, and cancer, medical marijuana proved to be a beneficial treatment, and doctors such as Mirman are pushing for its legalization. My adversarial audience presents concerns of marijuana being a gateway drug and causing harm to the body. My qualifiers are legalization in Pennsylvania, and legalization for medical use not including recreational smoking.


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