Impose Stricter Controls on Press Intrusion
Autor: Adnan • November 1, 2017 • 1,853 Words (8 Pages) • 697 Views
The freedom of the press is beneficial to the public to seek truth and believe all the reports from the press, most public people believe they have the rights to know everything about the government. However, the following problems are difficult to predict. For instance, millions of children are encroached by the violent information. Countless public privacy is monitored in different ways without knowing it. The media in the wartime is the key to success. In the past the government published some laws to control the press. The above cases indicate the government could do more specific and stricter legislation to control the press intrusion. Maybe the country can build a new institution like judicial office. The new institution could administrate without the control from the government. The public also trusts the information from this institution in order to seek the facts. In this way, the violent information can be compulsively limited. When the reports from the press are examined in impartial method, the celebrities will not be tortured because their privacy can be protected. The democracy and freedom of the expression will come true.
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