Impact of Cartoon on Children Developement
Autor: goude2017 • November 14, 2018 • 3,592 Words (15 Pages) • 800 Views
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Among 86 respondents, 48.9% people believe that children consider cartoon character as role model. They select their cartoon hero and try to act like them. Children tend to copy almost everything they watch in cartoon. Whatever their favorite cartoon hero does, they try to follow. 26.7%people think that cartoon is very entertaining. Yes, definitely cartoons are entertaining but if those cartoons contain violence and aggressive behavior then it has really bad effect on children because those negative behaviors reflects in children’s behavior too. Cartoons are entertaining because it doesn’t show any real life hardship and most of the content are funny. Children do not like to watch boring things, they love funny things, that’s why they become addicted to cartoon as no other tv programs are as entertaining as cartoons to them.15.1% respondent answered that no other Tv program are as entertaining as cartoon. Children always want to do something new and want to watch funny content and cartoons are fun to see. Most of the children do not like to concentrate on their studies or homework that is hard to do, they tend to do many things at the same time and do something funny. Other TV programs seems boring to children and they never like to get bored. The can pass long time just by watching cartoons. 9.3% people think that there is no real life hardship shown in cartoon. Yes, in cartoons there is no real life hardship shown. Cartoons are fantastical and they are not realistic and that’s why children get addicted to cartoon. While watching cartoon children forget about real life hardship and they want to escape from boring things like, study, homework etc and they try to do something fun. Children love to watch something unrealistic and fantastical and they have fun watching cartoons. There is always something funny element present in cartoons and children’s are more interested in fantasy then real world.
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49.4% of total respondent think that children who watch too much cartoon, health issue like lack of physical activity creates problem with obesity can happen .I also agree with this . In my hypothesis I expected this result as nowadays children love to watch cartoon all day long and they don’t like any outdoor games. They do not like to move, they like to sit one place and watch cartoon. This increase children’s weight .As they move less and do not like to involve in any physical activity, this creates problem with obesity and this turn into a health concern. Childhood obesity put children at risk for developing serious health problems including diabetes, heart diseases etc. 40.4% respondent think that watching too much cartoon can weaken children’s eye sight. As some child watch cartoon sitting very near to TV or phone, it may weaken their eyesight. I noticed that in Bangladesh there are many children aged 8-10, uses spectacles. It’s very harmful for children to watch Tv or phone very closely. Sometimes children do not listen to their parents, they react aggressively if anyone asks them to watch carton from distance. 5.2 % people think that watching too much cartoon can lead to spine curvature disorder because some children watch cartoon long time sit in one place. They do not like to play and do other staff. As they move less it’s not good for their health and it may lead to spine curvature disorder. 5% people response that they think that there’s no problem and no heath issue can happen because of watching too much cartoon. Very few people think this. It may be because they never think about this or they didn’t think about the consequences of watching too much cartoon. May be they don’t know much about cartoon addicted child or they haven’t meet any cartoon addicted child. Excess everything is bad, watching too much cartoon has too many negative impacts on children’s mental or physical health.
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47.7% respondent claimed that it is possible to make cartoons a healthy entertainment and good and effective source of learning for children. They think it is possible because if children watch selective cartoons that contains educative content then it can be good for children. Children can watch Meena cartoon instead of watching Doraemon . Meena cartoon is a very good educational cartoon, children can learn so many good things if they watch Meena cartoon. They can learn about so many things like, Gender discrimination, health and social inequality through Meena’s stories with great emphasis on social and cultural practice.Meena cartoon held children to learn about social and moral values. 26.1% people think that parents can limit the time children spend on watching cartoons. Some children like to watch cartoon hours after hour and parents do not say anything to them. this is very harmful for children . Parents must limit time for watching cartoon. They should strictly forbid their children not to watch cartoon too much. 14.8% people answered that parents can tell their children that violent behavior is not the best source of action to resolve a conflict. They think this because if parents explain children about the negative things about violent behavior and tell them violent behavior is bad thing, it can be possible to make cartoon a source of healthy entertainment to children. 11.4% people think that cartoons can be effective source of learning if parents watch cartoon with children and discuss about the cartoon character. When children watch cartoon, parents can watch cartoon with them and tell them about positive and negative things about cartoon character. As cartoon creates serious impact on cartoon parents should be more cautious about what kind of cartoons their children are watching most of the time as many cartoon shows violent content .If parents discuss about cartoon characters with children and make them understands about the positive and negative effects then it won’t be that much harmful for children.
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49% of total respondent think that Hindi cartoons are making children lazier, more unsocial, impatient and also disobedient. Almost half of the respondent thinks this because Hindi cartoons like Doraemon actually making children lazier. Nobita the main cartoon character of Doraemon is good at nothing. Nobita always arrive school late, he sleeps late night and dozes off in class. And his performance in school is very bad. Nobita is perfect example of laziness. Children