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Examining the Impact of Science and Technology in the Society Through the Case of Ddt and Silent Spring

Autor:   •  March 13, 2018  •  2,088 Words (9 Pages)  •  794 Views

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Personal lives

The book of Rachel Carson still has an effect in this contemporary period especially in each one’s personal life. DDT is no longer present, mercury has disappeared from the bodies of water, and the carcinogenic isotope Strontium-90 has virtually vanished from bones, people have come to realize that through the use of science and technology the lives of the people are so much better and improved; however, these inventions should be fully studied, investigated, and tested by a number of professionals to ensure the safety of the people and also the environment. In order to attain a harmonious life in this world people should strive to achieve a life that is balance with nature (Cause without a Rebel: Silent Spring and the Rise of Environmentalism, 2016).


Aside from the change of attitude of people towards their surroundings, Rachel Carson changed the view of people about their relationship with the natural environment. It became a turning point of the movement about the modern environment. She noticed that the government was too excited to create a change that they do not realize it is not fully investigated by experts. She questioned the direction and extent of modern science and initiated a revolutionary movement. During the 20th century, people placed their trusted the scientists as they gained control over nature to make the society “happier, healthier, and wealthier” (American Chemical Society, 2012). The evident growth in the number of groups that develop concern about the environment can be observed nowadays. Because of the DDT incident and other environmental and human threats, different communities raise awareness thus being more involved in these issues. As an application, they propose laws that would ban harmful chemicals or inventions, develop natural alternatives or influence others to take a stand as well. With these continuous and collective efforts, the aspects at stake are being assured that they are secured.


In addition, as a result of this awareness of the people about these harmful products, Science and technology flourished in order to make a good change in the way of living of the people and in order to the improve the status of the environment by making new technologies and discoveries that are fully investigated and studied to ensure that this will not damage the environment or put at risk the health of the people and animals. [b][c]As Cutcliffe (2002) suggests, STS is on its journey of helping in molding the public’s response, involvement and awareness towards the scientific and technological decision making. In turn, this is a good implication since it shows that society are not just feeding on the information and discoveries that they receive but examine it themselves thoroughly and be able to take their stand individually.


All things whether simple and complex, old and new have their pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages. As already realized, man by nature is insatiable. As such, he/ she keeps on discovering new things, innovating and searching for ways and means in order to improve his/ her life. Some efforts are directed towards the production of new products, others for protecting lives and there are those to ensure the welfare and well being of people.

The discovery of DDT found its effectiveness in combating such diseases as malaria and typhus. It was extensively utilized during WW II and therefore was considered very effective. However, its continued use was found to bring about negative effects to people and the environment. Because of this development, there appears to be second thoughts on its continuous utilization unless safeguards are totally considered. This is not just evident in the use of DDT and other insecticides but also applicable in every other innovation presented or proposed to the society. There are different dimensions innovators, scientists and technologists always need to address and to reflect on such as the five dimensions of STS which are practical, cultural, environmental, technical and economical. Would it bring a greater good to the community and to each individual or would it harm them? Would it be better for the environment or would the innovation destroy it?


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