Csr Starbuck in Indonesia
Autor: Joshua • October 23, 2018 • 2,674 Words (11 Pages) • 604 Views
Social Responsibility: Measures evaluated by third-party verifiers help protect the rights of workers and ensure safe, fair and humane working and living conditions. Compliance with minimum-wage requirements and prohibition of child and forced labor is mandatory.
Environmental Leadership: Measures evaluated by third-party verifiers help manage waste, protect water quality, conserve water and energy, preserve biodiversity and reduce agrochemical use.
Starbucks believe in the continuous improvement of their suppliers and know objective measurement and evaluation is critical. Farms and mills are evaluated by third-party verification organizations overseen by SCS Global Services. All of the information starbucks receive from farmers, suppliers and stakeholders allows us to continually improve C.A.F.E. Practices and make farmer participation more meaningful and relevant.
Important additions to the program include practices for supporting the long-term productivity of coffee farms through coffee renovation, or replanting. Additionally, tracking climate change impacts and creating adaptation plans are encouraged to minimize the effects farmers experience from climate change.
Starbucks are committed to not only increasing their own C.A.F.E. Practices purchases, but also to making the program available to the entire coffee industry – even competitors. starbucks opt for an “open-source” approach, sharing their tools, best practices and resources to help all producers make improvements in the long-term sustainability of their farms. starbucks are continuously improving this program by working with groups such as Conservation International to measure the true impact their purchasing programs have on participating farmers and producers.
Their Farmer Support Centers are available to support farmers interested in participating in C.A.F.E. Practices and in creating farm management and work plans to achieve their goals. This includes the work starbucks re doing at Hacienda Alsacia, the coffee farm starbucks bought in Costa Rica in 2013. Not only is it an operational coffee farm, it’s an agronomy research and development center that will help us continue to develop sustainable farming practices starbucks can share with farming communities around the world. The implementation of starbucks CSR is also applicable in tea and cocoa as well.
In the environment matters, as the company that relies on the agricultural products they have long been aware that the planet is their most important business partner. Starbucks has LEED ( Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified stores and it is copyrighted. Their approach to designing, building, and maintaining our stores is inclusive of a range of environmental goals. Recycling and reducing waste, they’re working to shrink their environmental footprint and meet the expectations of their customers by increasing recycling, promoting reusable cups and reducing the waste associated with their cups and other packaging.
In Indonesia, building the Aqua tower in Deli Serdang, SUMUT ( Sumatera Utara). Starbucks also implement GMOS or Global Month of Service being done by starbucks employee to high school students / SMK that are being prepared to enter the workforce, starbucks give a comprehensive understanding towards the students about developing extra skills, making the CV, until the recruitment process, since starbucks realise that the unemployment rate in indonesia is really high that is why starbucks focusing their csr into youth empowerment. Starbucks officials said that their party already made the community store in Bandung area on jalan dipati ukur and so in other cities in Indonesia
Goals and Progress of Starbucks Corporate Social Responsibility
2008-2015 Global Responsibility Report
The 2015 Global Responsibility Report marks the end of a chapter for Starbucks , and a new beginning.
In 2008, the financial crisis triggered a global recession, and sales slowed for the first time in Starbucks company’s history. There’s many stored were closed and job eliminated.However, Starbucks did not back away from their commitment to responsibility. Instead Starbucks announced a set of ambitious goal - committing that by 2015 Starbucks would improve ethical sourcing in coffee and throughout their supply chain, serve communities and engage young people, and decrease the environmental footprint from their store operations.
Looking back, we can see the global impact that Starbucks hav made in the seven years since they put the stake in the ground. Starbucks nearly doubled their investment in alternative loan programs to $21.3 million from $12.5 million in 2008. Starbucks expanded their ethical sourcing program, and are on the cups of helping make coffee the world’s first ethically sourced commodity. In 2008, nearly three-quarters of Starbucks coffee was certified or verified by a third-party as ethically sourced, and Starbucks had one Farmer Support Center.
In 2015, 99% of Starbucks coffee met that criteria and they expanded their outreach to farmers around the world with seven new Farmer Support Centers in Latin America, Asia and Africa. Starbucks broke ground on their first global agronomy center to develop sustainable farming practices to share with farming communities around the world.
In the areas of environmental performance, Starbucks have implemented rigorous green building as a standard practice in new construction projects and renovations. In 2008, Starbucks had one LEED certificated store, and in 2015, they have more than 800, including the LEED Platinum Starbucks Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room in Seattle. They increased their purchases of renewable energy from 20% in 2008 to 100% in 2015, and exceeded an ambitious water conservation goal, reducing consumption more than 26% over 2008- from 24 gallons of water per square foot of retail space to fewer than 18 gallons. While some environmental targets have been more difficult to achieve than expected, they have learned from these challenges and are working to find innovation environmental solutions.
Starbucks also have learned in the power of investing in communities and young people to make meaningful change. They elevated their partner’s global efforts, by creating their annual Global Month of Service, with 1163 partner-led projects in April 2015 alone. Moreover, partners and customers have contributed more than 3 million hours of community service over the past seven years. From 2010-2012, Starbucks consistently achieved their goal of engaging more than 50000 young people to innovate and take action in their communities and