Black Teens in America
Autor: Maryam • December 28, 2017 • 640 Words (3 Pages) • 686 Views
day, it could lead to my downfall. Not through illness or a tragic accident, but by the hands of those who have sworn to protect and serve.
I fear something I am constantly told to embraced. How can anyone embrace something that can so easily and quickly get their life cut short? It’s heartbreaking that African American mothers have to sit their child down and explain to them that some people in today’s world would rather not see them live. They’d rather not see them grow and become that doctor who cures cancer or that world changer who solves world hunger but would rather see a family plan a memorial service. A change is needed; however, one sadly is nowhere near.
No change can come from a system that’s stuck in its place. If there is no punishment for a cop killing someone, it will continue to happen. In order to effectively stop these killings from occurring, the government and law system have to implement punishments that are actually punishments. A REAL one, not a paid leave that will end as soon as the situation isn’t getting as much attention. In order to make an effective change, we will need more than a hashtag or a march. We need a movement, a movement supported by the government. A movement that will effectively remove the fear from my heart and sow it into the hearts of over zealous officers. A movement that will create change and avenge those lives that have been plucked from the Earth.