Baby Paper
Autor: goude2017 • November 14, 2017 • 1,216 Words (5 Pages) • 751 Views
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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or otherwise known as “crib death” is the sudden and unexplained death of an infant who is less than one year old. The leading cause of death of infants between the ages of 1 month to 1 year old is SIDS, claiming the lives of about 2500 infants in the United States SIDS can only be diagnosed after all remaining causes of death have been ruled out. SIDS remains unpredictable even after years of research. Although you can’t prevent SIDS there are many ways that you can reduce the risk.
To diagnose SIDS a medical examiner must conduct a thorough case investigation, including an examination of the scene of death and reviewing the clinical history of the infant. There are many risk factors that these examiners look for including smoking and drinking during pregnancy, poor prenatal care, stomach sleeping, and premature birth. Stomach Sleeping is foremost among these factors because a soft surface on the bed could create an enclosure and the baby will began to breathe in CO2 which later leads to death. A complete autopsy is then performed. These two steps help distinguish true SIDS death from those resulting from accidents, abuse, metabolic disorders, and suffocation. Although a thorough investigation is done it may still be difficult to distinguish between accidental suffocation and SIDS.
Researchers haven’t found a way to prevent SIDS yet, but they have found ways in which you can greatly reduce the risk. The most important tip to lower risk is to make sure your baby sleeps on its back and on a firm mattress. In addition to placing babies on their backs when they sleep the AAP recommends that you also shouldn’t place large blankets, comforters, and pillows near your baby while sleeping. Another way to lower the risk is to make sure your child is up to date on all their immunizations, this can reduce this risk by up to 50%. Also infants should be brought in to have regular checkups. One last way in which you can reduce risk is to not smoke, drink, or use drugs while pregnant. Infants of mothers who did these things while in pregnancy were three times more likely to fall victim to SIDS.
Losing a child to SIDS is a very traumatic experience, especially since there is nothing you could have done to prevent it. The lack of answers makes this syndrome so fighting to parents. Researchers are constantly trying to find an exact cause to this problem and a way to prevent it, but until than SIDS may continue to be the leading cause of death in infants up to a year old.