Advantage and Disadvantage of Tourism in New Zealand
Autor: Sara17 • April 13, 2018 • 2,647 Words (11 Pages) • 944 Views
- Methodology:
This research paper will be a secondary research because it needs accuracy and professional data and information from specialists in the field of tourism. Moreover, secondary research takes less time and cost to finish and the documents are easy to get a hold on (University of Surrey, n.d.). As a secondary research, the data will be conducted mainly from secondary sources. Book chapters, online and offline, will be used as well as academic, scholarly journal articles from the databases (ProQuest, Google Scholar, Research Gate, …) and from academic printed magazines. These secondary sources play a significant role in explaining different terminologies and providing the perspective of professions in the field about the issue. In addition, primary sources are included in the research in forms of statistics and reports from the New Zealand’s government and also different tourism-related organizations, companies in the world (World Tourism Organization, New Zealand Airlines …). Last but not least, the research will have social commentary – magazines, newspaper articles, blogs – as a backup information which shows the opinions of the communities on the issue. However, these sources are often unreliable due to it being exposed to different agenda (political, economic) and lack of academic knowledge (University of Surrey, n.d.). Thus, social commentary will be used mostly in the introduction or the background of the research.
- Sources:
1. Tribe, J. (2009). Philosophical issues in Tourism. Channel View Publications. Retrieved March 8, 2017 from
John Tribe, the author of “Philosophical issues in Tourism”, is a Professor of School of Hospitality and Tourism in University of Surrey. Before this, he is also a Professor of Tourism and Head of Research in Buckinghamshire New University. The “Philosophical Issues in Tourism” book helps to define the terminology of “tourism” in different point of views. According to Tribe (2009), various authors who didn’t graduate in tourism have reduced and described the explanation of tourism into their own fields, for instance, architecture, biology and communication. This piece of information can shows how complicate it is for every researcher to agree on one definition. The information will be used in Chapter 1: the Introduction. Tribe (2009) also illustrates the importance of study tourism such as improve the relationship between local communities and tourists and understand the travelers’ impacts to the environment of tourism.
2. Hardy, A., Beeton, R.J.S. & Pearson, L.J. (2002). Sustainable Tourism: An Overview of the Concept and its Position in Relation to Conceptualisations of Tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 10(6). Retrieved March 8, 2017 from
Anne Hardy is the Director of the Tourism Research and Education Network and she is also the senior lecturer at the University of Tasmania. R.J.S. Beeton is an expertise is Wildlife Conservation and Biodiversity. Moreover, he is a lecturer in the School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management of the University of Queensland. Leonie is a more diverse author which is an ecological economist. She has experienced of working for the government and private practice. This academic journal article provides the benefits of sustainable development to tourism which can be part of the section: the advantages of tourism. In addition, some expertise’s perspective can be used in chapter 4: the solution for better future.
3. Statistics New Zealand (2017). International Visitor Arrivals to New Zealand: November 2016. Retrieved on March 8, 2017 from
This is a government document so it is reliable to some degree. This document contains data, tables and graphs about number and characteristic of visitors come to New Zealand. Through this information, the author can explore the peak of tourist of the year and the connection between the number of tourist and the impact of tourists to the environment and economy of New Zealand. Moreover, it can show the significance of tourism to the economy of small businesses, communities and the country.
4. Government of New Zealand. (2016). Financial Statements of the Government of New Zealand for the Year Ended 30 June 2016. Pages: (2), ii, 1-162. Retrieved on January 24, 2017 from
The responsible unit of this report is Fiscal Reporting of the New Zealand’s government which makes this report a reliable source. The document report the Core Crown expenses of 2016 which including the Environmental protection. This piece of information will be used to illustrate the way the government manage the green image of New Zealand. The report also includes the amount of money that invested in the Tourism industry including transport and communications, heritage, culture and recreation and Environmental protection.
5. Andereck, K.L., Valentine, K.M., Knopf, R.C., Vogt, C.A. (2005). Residents’ perceptions of community tourism impacts. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(4), 1056-1076. Retrieved on January 24, 2017 from'_Perceptions_of_Community_Tourism_Impacts
Dr. Andereck, professor in Arizona State University, is a specialist in Community Resources and Development. Karin M. Valentine used to be the Director of Tourism Development at the Arizona Office of Tourism. Dr. Knopf has a wide range of knowledge and experienced in the School of Community Resources and Development. The last author is Chritine A. Vogt who is a Research Director of Center for Sustainable Tourism in the School of Community Resources and Development. The article discusses the perception of resident about the impact of tourism industries to the society. There are three sections talk about the economic, sociocultural and environmental effects of tourism which can be used in both advantages and disadvantages of tourism to New Zealand. Although these pieces of information are not direct link to New Zealand, it would still be helpful as a comparison to the communities in New Zealand.
- Ethical considerations:
The research project will be conducted accordingly to the IPU’s ethics guide in order to consider as an appropriate and ethical research.
1. Bias: