The Sixth Form Schools in Britain: Their Advantages and Disadvantages
Autor: Joshua • January 11, 2018 • 994 Words (4 Pages) • 949 Views
From my point of view, I think the sixth form is a guiding light for the majority. Even though the students in sixth form school will have a narrower selection of subjects which generally neglects the arts, the less popular foreign languages and other creative and technical subjects, the main purpose we should notice of is to drive most of students to focus more on the subjects that interest themselves mostly. Generally, students have been used to studying ten or more GCSE subjects up to now, but at A-level, the number of subject is drastically cut down. They usually select three full A-level subjects, plus one AS, which means that students will find it easier to motivate themselves to study. On the other hand, for now, the current education system in Britain is not strong enough to maintain a wide range of subjects and carefully consider every specific subject into the sixth form project. Thus I reckon that school sixth form can be regarded as an opportunity or even a choice in the way of approaching the further education. Furthermore, from GCSE to University, the sixth form could be a vital step in the transition. Not only students need to notice big differences both in the academic difficulty and in the logistical arrangements of study, but also they need to prepare for the time when they will experience a very different style of teaching and living to what they have ever had before.
In conclusion, after analyzing the merits and shortcomings, although the education system in Britain still lack of capability to complete the flaws, the sixth form school is widely praised and beneficial to the majority. Therefore I consider that the advantages of sixth form school outweigh the disadvantages.