Eng 101-B20 - Old Testament Survey Essay
Autor: Sara17 • October 16, 2018 • 1,006 Words (5 Pages) • 832 Views
However, being seen and heard is simply not enough, there needs to be action. At the end of the day bullying needs to cease. Students first and foremost have an opportunity to intervene immediately. Instead of just looking away, students either need to step in or speak up for the victim being bullied. After this the responsibility lands on the administration. In middle school, I was bullied for a year and a half. I remember having at least ten to fifteen conversations with the principal and each one resulted in absolutely no action whatsoever. As shocking as this may seem this is truth. Teachers and administrators have been put in a place of authority and they need to utilize this. In my opinion, consequences need to be severe due to the fact bullying can affect a student’s identity and future. Suspensions need to take place and after a certain amount of time expulsion needs to take place because student’s lives are at stake. Finally, parents need to go to bat for their children. I am as serious as a heart attack when I say my mom saved my life in seventh grade. I was at a point where running away and suicide did not seem so bad, and my mother walked into my middle school and gave the administration a piece of her mind. I remember being called to the office and leaving school early because my mother withdrew me from the hell I was experiencing. I walked out of that school with tears of joy knowing my parents had finally seen and heard me, and I was being liberated! It is plain to see that my mother had a chance to take action, and when she chose to, the bullying ceased. Of the three main ways bullying can be stopped, taking action is easily the most important because it can follow the other two (seeing and listening). My gym teacher could have noticed what was going on and stepped in. My principal should have believed me and dished out discipline. Thankfully my parents finally noticed and listened to me and did in fact take action.
Things need to change. Bullies need to be put in their place and taught how to treat people with respect and love. In middle school affirmation is one of the main needs in a student’s life, and when they receive the opposite, it can be detrimental. This is not a hard problem to solve. All it takes is a few people refusing to stay passive and start asserting themselves into situations. Furthermore, respect in general needs to be brought back into schools so that students start to see the people around them differently. They need to learn that every person is important and deserves to be treated with respect and love.