A Biblical Worldview - Perspective from the Book of Romans
Autor: Sharon • January 31, 2018 • 1,571 Words (7 Pages) • 834 Views
To strengthen the reunion, we need to be iron sharpening iron. We need the practices to show the world who we are as people, so we have baptism and communion. We meet at church for instruction and fellowship. We have a new identity through Jesus Christ which joins us to him, and moves us away from the bondage of the law toward the liberty of his grace. We are no longer bound by the chains of a law that we could never seem to get right. In fact, the law seemed to condemn us further. We are no longer bound by unforgiveness but enjoy a culture in which we restore those who err in love. We have a culture of prayer, fasting and forgiveness, rather than one of arrogance, judging and holding people in contempt for their mistakes. Moreover, we see in chapter 8 that Jesus, the messiah who rose again, and then ascended to his father, sent us a comforter, a helper to walk alongside us. It is through this comforter, the Holy Spirit, that we maintain a culture of sanctification.
I enjoy a culture in which I have a direct access to God through Jesus Christ. For me the big questions of life are answered primarily through the sovereignty of God. Abortion, homosexuality, the death penalty, sudden death and other things that make us wonder, and streamlined for me toward the Word, who John tells us in St. John 1:1, is God. I know from the repeated faithfulness of God that his promises are true. Moreover, I know that having been born in sin, my identity is one of a sinner, but that through repentance, and continuing in the Word, I have a new identity. I believe by faith in Jesus as the messiah, the only one by which sins are obliterated. So in thinking about Worldviews, I can relax in my Biblical perspective on things. I know from experience that morals cannot be legislated. This knowledge establishes for me an on-going understanding of the plight of our political leaders, and I become sympathetic toward them and directed in how I should pray for them.
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