Women Underrepresented in Stem
Autor: Tim • January 28, 2019 • 2,099 Words (9 Pages) • 892 Views
In my opinion I think Belinda Luscombe's Explaning the Complicated Women + Math Formula article tends to favor the differences perspective (AKA essentialism) and the similarities perspective (AKA social constructionism). Additionally I think this article tends to favor the both the both the person-centered explanations (AKA individual approach) and situation-centered explanations (AKA structural approach). However, I think this article leans more towards the situation-centered explanations.
I thought that both articles had points that tended to favor some aspect of both the similarities perspective as well as the difference perspective. Such as by discussing how although the ideas that women and men are different there may in fact be evidence that shows that they are similar. As well as discussing how women and men may be truly different especially when it comes to personal factors such as interest and abilities. As well I thought both articles had points that tended to favor some aspect of both the person-centered explanations as wells as the situation-centered explainations. Such as by discussing how there is both person centered and institution factors that account for the gender gap in these areas.
Where do you fall on this issue, do you lean more towards social constructionist arguments or essentialists arguments?
I think I fall somewhere in the middle of favoring both the differences perspective (AKA essentialism) and the similarities perspective (AKA social constructionism). One of the reasons is because I agree that men and women are generally similar when it comes to certain aspects such as achievement and motivation and intellectual abilities. However, I do agree that men and women are psychologically motivated and influences by different factors. Additionally, I agree that by emphasizing equal rights and gender roles that it will help bridge the gender gap in general. However, I also agree that men and women are different because of the factors that both are interested and guided by such as women are the ones in most situations to be more concerned about relationships and caregiving such as taking care of the household and childcare. However, I agree that if you continue to point out that there is more differences than similiarites when it comes to a lot of aspects about men and women you only further the gender gap divide.
What do you think of her proposed solutions?
Do you have any ideas on how to narrow the gender gap in math, science and in leadership positions in business?
In Sheryl Sandberg's TED Talk some of the proposed solutions included keeping women in the workforce especially in these areas, women fighting to be included as a main part of these areas and not as an assistance such as "sitting at the main table not on the side", women being more confident in themselves and there abilities, women be more proactive about asking questions and not being afraid to go away from stereotypes and create their own stereotypes, sharing more of the personal responsibilities with both the wives and husbands and not only relying on women to take on another "job" having to take care of the household and children.
One of the things that I found interesting in her speech was that although she mentioned that she does believe one of the solutions is changing the aspects of employment she chose not to discuss those in the speech but instead focusing on the solutions that women themselves can do. In my opinion one of the most memorable things she said was "Today, I want to focus on what we as individuals can do, what are the messages we need to tell ourselves, what are the messages we tell the women that work we work with and for us, what are the messages we tell our daughters." But she makes it clear that she does not believe she has the right answer for herself let along others but she is just interested in getting people especially women to think and talk about what is happening.
What do you think might be some implications if this gender gap where to continue to persist in these areas?
I think that some of the implications if this gender gap where to continue to persist in these areas is that the rates of women interested and/or pursuing these areas will unfortunately continue to decrease more and more; possibly to the point that these areas will be completely men dominated and women will no longer be an except at all. Moreover, I think that that the few women you see in these areas illustrate that dispute the obstacles and challenges it is possible for a woman to be somewhat included in these areas. In my opinion unfortunately because women as typically so much more looked down on especially in terms of employment that it is a requirement to have at least one woman in these fields for women to believe that they have a chance to be included. For example, which this last presidential election just be Hilary Clinton officially stepping up and running for the position seemed to illustrate that it maybe possible for a woman to one day become president. Moreover, it would have seemed that even though the requirements do not outright specifically stand that to run for president you have to be male it would seem that to be the case since all the previous presidents have been male.
Another implication I think would be that other areas of society would be more and more impacted and effected. One of the biggest obstacles women face is that often when it comes to males they fail to properly understand women so they underrepresent women in general and as a result women suffer and the negative stereotypes only are able to continue to foster and grow. This is a big problem because women have been fighting to acquire the simplest and biggest rights and to over those stereotypes these implications only revert all of these achievements.