What Are the Importance of Intelligence Testing?
Autor: Adnan • February 18, 2018 • 989 Words (4 Pages) • 703 Views
a clinical tool. Some doctors use the WISC as part of a calculation to diagnose attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities. The WAIS is used as an intelligence test, but may be utilized in populations with psychiatric illness or brain injury, in order to assess level of cognitive functioning. The WAIS-IV and other neuropsychological tests are used to assess how the brain is functioning after an injury. Each used for different types of functions in the brain area.
How do these methods differ?
Each of the test great in their own way to some, to others not so great. The test are used in different ways not one test is the same. The way that they are taken and their uses even differ. The age group for the test differ, the WISC is used for children and not adults and so is the Standford-Binet scale, but the WAIS is used for adults ages 16-90, also used for anyone with brain injuries. The other two are not designed for that function. All IQ test differ, from the way you take it to how long each test takes, to who it will effect when taking the intelligence test and why the test is being taking in the first place. These intelligence test are widely used all over the world and will continue to be used. They will always have different uses no matter what.
Intelligence testing are used for many different reasons by many different people. They are mainly used to find out what someone intelligence is or what help they may need. Reading about the different types and uses I have come to the conclusion that it all depends what you need the IQ test for. I also believe that some of the test need to be updated to what is going on in today’s world. Reading about the very first one and how far they have come along for today’s use has been very in lighting. I like that they use the WAIS for checking someone with a brain injury to see where they have been effected, and that they use the WISC for children to see where they need to be placed in school. I also think that many people think that they are bias when these happen, but when I was taking my IQ test it was on the computer and it had no way of telling if I was a male or female so it couldn’t be bias in the answers. It is all up to the answers not who answers them. IQ test are going to be around and I don’t think that it is a bad thing.
BENSON, E. (2003). American Psychological Association. Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/monitor/feb03/intelligent.aspx
Cherney, K. (2016). IQ Testing; Purpose, Procedures, and Results. Retrieved from http://www.healthline.com/health/iq-testing#Overview1
Sternberg, R. J. (2015). Successful intelligence: A model for testing intelligence beyond IQ tests. European Journal of Education & Psychology, 8(2), 76-84. doi:10.1016/j.ejeps.2015.09.004