Parenting Styles
Autor: Jannisthomas • January 16, 2018 • 975 Words (4 Pages) • 750 Views
In the past ten years, a lot of researches have proved that those research was only partial correct, the most typical example is Amy’s daughters, which show the authoritarian parenting style still can lead to academic success. “The Chinese parents believe their kids own them everything and they should repay and obey them” said by Amy Chua (2011). In additional, the Chinese mother believed that training is very important for skill building more than the European, so they will send their child to playgroup and so many learning school in their early childhood. Moreover, their childhood will be restricted by their parent. In authoritarian parenting style, parent will use punishment to discipline their child, at the same time they expect an over demand for their child. Naturally if this happen for a long time self-esteem will decrease and form an invisible pressure. This is the reason why some oversea student from china only aim a pass but want a high grade when they were in china because without the push of their parent they cannot do well, also show they do not like this type of parenting style. A lot of evidence show that they are not willing to study but only being pushed by their parent (Chua, 2011).
In conclusion, an authoritative parenting style has an outstanding result comparing to authoritarianism’s. an authoritative parenting style can encourage student to pursuit what they want and guide them in a proper way but for the discussion above, authoritative parenting style can only practice in western society. Even though, authoritarianism may not be a good parenting style in teaching, which will bring some negative psychological effect and cannot be worked without parent control but it is no doubt that authoritarianism definitely works in Chinese teaching. So the main idea for all parent is to think about the general children development rather than only focus on the academic, have a bidirectional communication give more support but do not over demanding which is the best way lead to academic success with a good parent-child relationship.
Ayele, G. A. (2012). Effects of Parenting Styles, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Achievement Motivation on the Academic Achievement of University Students in Ethiopia. Perth: Edith Cowan University, 28-42.
Chua, A. (2011). Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. New York: Penguin Group, 49-65.
Kordi, A. & Baharudin, R. (2010). Parenting Attitude and Style and Its Effecton Children’s School Achievements. Malaysia: University Putra Malaysia.