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Career Counseling Program for Individuals Have Fallen Victim to an Unhealthy Lifestyle of Obesity and Depression - Supplemental Intervention

Autor:   •  June 6, 2018  •  2,668 Words (11 Pages)  •  789 Views

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Monday through Saturday, Closed on Sunday.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings: 5:00am-12:00pm (noon)

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings: 3:00pm - 8:00pm.

Tuesday and Thursday Mornings: 7:00am – 12:00pm (noon)

Tuesday and Thursday Evenings: 3:00pm – 8:00pm

Saturday Mornings: 7:00am – 11:00am.

Exercise/Training Sessions

- Offered 6 days a week with 2 or more classes to be offered during the morning and evening hours of operation.

- After every 12 weeks check the records of class sizes and extend hours where necessary and appropriate.

Group Counseling Sessions-

- Offered 2 times per week for each 12 week session.

- Clients are required to attend a minimum of 6 group counseling session.

- Topic schedule for Group Sessions will be available through website, email and social media notifications, as well as on our lobby calendar on a monthly basis.

Seminars and Workshops:

- Offered twice a month every month for each 12 week session.

- The program requires clients to attend a minimum of 1 seminar and 2 workshops.

- All seminar and workshops will be offered during our evening hours of operation and on Saturday’s.

- Schedules and Topics will be available during the first week of each 12 week session.

- Presenters or leaders must have a mastery level of knowledge and experience in the area presenting.

- Topics and scheduling will be a responsibility for the Program Supervisor.

- Topics for seminars and workshops should pertain to:

- Nutrition beyond the program

- Facing your fears – Overcoming debilitating thoughts and emotions

- Lifestyle Choices or Decision Making

- Coping with Anxiety and Depression

- Motivation for maintaining healthy lifestyles

- Juggling a healthy lifestyle with career and family

- Career Management -> career satisfaction, career changes, entering or adapting to a new career, resume writing (or updating), skills for the interview process.


- Orientation informational meeting: Client learns about the 12 Week Program and decides whether they are ready to make the commitment to change.

- First visit: Client will receive a packet of paperwork to be filled out prior to their first training session. Information packet includes: general demographics and contact information, a liability form, a psychological (anxiety/depression) and overall health assessment, and all medical information and forms will be completed.

- An initial weigh in and a “before” picture will be entered into our database and clients personal file – which will be locked and securely stored in the Directors Office.

- The nutritional packet will be distributed and thoroughly explained as well as the protocols with signing up for training sessions, group counseling, workshops, and social media sites.

- Last page of packet will include a ‘To Do’ list for the clients to complete at home and prior to their Monday start.

- To Do List includes: a kitchen cabinet clean out form, food shopping and food prep list, how to sign up for first training session, and to document this overwhelming time in their lives as they are experiencing it into the journal.

- Personal Statement: At the end of the clients 2nd week in the program, a personal statement which will include their journey

- Each client must come to three training sessions per week that last approximately one hour, checking in for accountability every session.

- After 3 weeks have client take a brief survey rating facility, staff, and program which are submitted anonymously in order to make improvements to best serve the clients.

- Exit evaluations and surveys are to be completed during the client’s exit interview at the end of the 12 week session.

- Program completion options to be reviewed by staff prior to meeting with client regarding – the next step.

- Staff Meetings in place to discuss any concerns and feedback of the client surveys.



- Client feedback and program evaluations are required upon completion of the program.

- All evaluations, surveys, and questionairres will be used through Google Forms and asked to be completed twice thoughout the 12 week program.

- The final evaluation will have 3 parts; a facility and staff survey, a overall evaluation of the 12 week program, and a questionairre specifically relating to the clients experience throughout the program.

- All of the final evaluations will provide room for any additional comments or suggestions they would like to include in writing.

- All forms will be completed during the client’s exit meeting in the Client Resource Room.

- Individual client feedback will be reviewed in detail by the Director, Supervisor, and the individual coach who worked with them.

- Feedback and results will be reviewed using measurable scales and compiled into detailed reports for our staff to review. Reports will be based on the results as a whole and then broken down into differnt areas but the clients will remain anonymous.

- Goal is to have all client feedback completed with the last scheduled exit interview at the end of each 12 week session.

Post Treatment Evaluations

- The facility will require a 7 day


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