Career Counseling Theory & Relationship Strategies
Autor: Joshua • February 13, 2018 • 1,225 Words (5 Pages) • 750 Views
It is important for the client and counselor to have a good client/counselor relationship. The counselor needs to build a good rapport with their client. When building a rapport with a client the counselor needs to be an active listener and understand were you client is coming from. The counselor needs to watch out for both verbal and nonverbal ques the client is portraying. The counselor should give their client positive feedback; praising them for the small victories before going on to bigger situations. The counselor need to give their client respect, like returning their calls in a timely manner. Also the counselor need to respect the client’s time just as they would want the client to respect their time. The counselor should match the client style. The counselor job is to get the client close to normalcy. Being incompetent can ruin a client/counselor relationship. The counselor need to be competent in their client’s culture, gender, and spirituality. Self-disclosure can be another way a counselor can build a good rapport with their client. The counselor needs to be careful with this one because disclosing too much information can harm the relationship (Kottler, 2013).
Taneka need a career counselor to help her find explore the ideas of what she might want like to study in college or other post-secondary educational possibilities. The counselor can help her and her mother seek financial support, so she can attend college. The counselor can give Taneka an assessment to see where she scores high on. The counselor need to ask Taneka what she plan on doing for the rest of her life. Next, the counselor can encourage her to start focusing on doing better in her class while she is in her last two years of school. The counselor need to explain to Taneka the important of her bringing up her grade point average, so she can apply for a good college. The counselor should explain to Taneka and her mother about the financial cost of college and how to apply for grants and scholarships. The counselor can let Taneka and her mother know they are there to help her fill out the application and financial forms with them. The counselor should encourage Taneka to take the leadership course her job is offering. This will look good on her college application and on her resume.
In conclusion this paper has explain what person-environment correspondent is. This paper show the importance of why it is to build a good rapport with your client. The importance of how the client counselor relationship. This paper also explained the importance of Taneka improving on her grades and deciding on what she want to do concerning her future. It explains why she should embark on taking the leadership class that her job is offering.
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