Game Theory: Use, Applications and Extensions
Autor: • April 14, 2017 • Case Study • 782 Words (4 Pages) • 988 Views
Game Theory: Use, applications and extensions
The game is the interaction between two or more parts and it depends on that the people operate rationally, consciously of the limits of the game and on that another part also knows the rules. These strategic interactions form the crucial point of the Game theory.
The Game theory is to bear in mind the impact of my decisions in others when I am going to take them. The main target of the game theory is to determine the roles of rational conduct in situations of game in which the results are conditional to the actions of interdependent players. The Game theory is a useful way of characterizing a problem, but in terms to say to us what is going to happen, it is useless.
The theory classifies the games under many categories that determine what particular methods can be applied to solve them. The most common categories are zero sum game, only two persons, constant sum game, the n person game and nonzero sum game.
Non zero games are further classified in terms of the degree to which the players are permitted to cooperate. At no extreme is the non-cooperative game, where there is no preplay communication between players. At the other extreme is the cooperative game, where preplay discussions and binding agreements are permitted.
Nowadays, the Game theory is used by many different persons in a wide interests bogey. One of the first codified uses of this theory was in the war. Also it revolutionized the study of the economy, but not only that, it is possible to use from in projects of infrastructure, championships of soccer, up to applications of romantic appointments. The games theory has come redeeming, in the last times, an every time major role in the fields of logic and computer sciences.
In game theory to analyze complex situations in which there are more than a person who wants to succeed but you have to take into account the decisions of the other speakers. This is not worth to ask yourself what you have to do your but you have to ask yourself what you have to do your taking into account what you think they are going to do the other.
Teoría de Juegos: Uso, aplicaciones y extensiones
El juego es la interacción entre dos o más partes y depende de que la gente actúe racionalmente, consciente de los límites del juego y de que la otra parte también conoce las reglas. Estas interacciones estratégicas forman el punto crucial de la Teoría de los Juegos.
La Teoría de los Juegos es tener en cuenta el impacto de mis decisiones en los otros cuando las voy a tomar. El principal objetivo de la teoría de los juegos es determinar los papeles de conducta racional en situaciones de juego en las que los resultados son condicionales a las acciones de jugadores interdependientes. La