Video Games
Autor: • July 21, 2017 • Creative Writing • 2,687 Words (11 Pages) • 972 Views
Since the 1980s, video games have been subject to visceral criticism for certain environments among which video games were accused of creating violent, antisocial behavior and provoking articulatory problems for players. Many of these criticisms occur without any scientific proof corroborating the accusation, but it is undeniable that the arguments of video games can remit some violent and aggressive scenes; If a game with an argument can facilitate a child's education, it is not unreasonable to think that a violent argument can also influence the player's behavior in his or her social life.
At the moment, the activities that adolescents practice in their free time like sports, the field out, but in the occasions They use video games of different types, especially what they produce violence (terror, war, fight and pornographic). Although the diversity of games on the market and the multiple ways of interacting with them is getting the attention of new users of different ages, a very high proportion of consumers range between 8 and 20 years. At these ages is when the person receives the greatest knowledge and learns everything around him.
From the games that entertain adolescents, you can get an idea of society and can help what differentiate what behaviors are correct and which are not, which leads to video games to be a harmful weapon within Society can also be used with the intention of manipulating and confusing the person about the way of acting and thinking; That is, since some teenagers want to imitate the violent ones in these is observed.
The growth of violent acts by adolescents in the social environment is undoubtedly one of the most grave cultural problems with which we confront them and which spinning yarns that seek the solution imminently. However, factors that directly influence the inappropriate behavior of adolescents need to be determined.
Starting from the base that in the learning in the first years of life is related to all the activities that the practice, the subject of the videojuegos can become a worrisome point; Since, if it is a list of the most successful games, in it we will find a great amount of titles in which the explicit violence and the bad forms in the predominant subjects.
On the other hand, video became a preferred alternative for adolescents and adults. For this reason, we started a study that, due to the object, approximates to the reality of videojuego interested, especially in the factors that influence the behavior and the abilities that are the genres.
In this sense, the following question is formulated:
How do video games influence adolescent behavior?
This research is carried out in an urban educational institution (Liceo Bolivariano "Andrés Lomelli Rosario", where it has been diagnosed that the majority of the adolescents manipulate the videojuego.
According to the European University of Madrid. (2005), carried out an investigation on "Influence of the game in the behavior of the users and the skills that are developed in the same ones". The study has been raised from the desire to investigate the habits of video players, obtains objective information on the influence of video game on human behavior.
For Bringas, C; Herrero, F; Rodríguez, F. (2006), carried out a project titled "Antisocial Behavior in Non-Conflicting Adolescents: Adapting the Inventory of Antisocial Behaviors" (ICA). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the adaptation of an antisocial behavior inventory to identify and identify The factors in which the various forms of antisocial behavior of our adolescent adolescents can be grouped are the characteristics of these adolescents in their possible development and manifestation of the antisocial behavior, referring to the differences between them in the differential age And sex
Self Bald; A, and others. (2002), Youth and Video Games: Space, significance and conflicts. Where to describe that "social representation on video games of the attributes of a character of adolescence, somehow identifier of that collective, identifying character that also includes connotations of modernity." In any case, video games constitute a certain "world apart," which not only excludes the outsiders (adults) but also the insiders (adolescents). And it does so in a progressive way, in an addictive dynamic motivated by the power of the game itself. "
Adolescence is a time that I only remember happily, when it has passed and we are in full maturity, and can only forget. Self-seeking again is the Recreational machines: play a very important role in the video game market. They serve to evaluate the market novelties and the success of the games. In this type of platforms, Arcade games dominate, which are simple, allowing access to a greater number of potential players and, on the other hand, running short games to achieve the greatest possible economic benefit.
The telematic network: it refers to the network games in which the machine is used to play with other people taking advantage of the potential of remote connections that enable the computer networks.
The microcomputer or personal computer: it is one of the most powerful current platforms of video games. There are more and more computers in the houses, which facilitates their use for playful purposes. Most current computer games are in CD-ROM and DVD format. In these personal computers can be installed emulators of the consoles to be able to play with their games.
Videoconsolas: need to be connected to the TV. They are characterized by using cartridges or systems of reading of compact discs. These systems are designed for the sole purpose of playing. The problem is that each company has marketed a type of game console and has developed specific games for it, being incompatible with the others.
Pocket machines: these are handheld consoles that do not need to be connected to the TV. They have a built-in display. This is an advantage that allows the user to play anywhere without relying
Desde los años 80, los videojuegos han sido objeto de críticas viscerales por ciertos entornos entre los cuales acusaban a los videojuegos de crear conductas violentas, antisociales y provocar problemas articulatorios a los jugadores. Muchas de estas críticas se producen sin ningún tipo de prueba científica que corrobore la acusación, pero es innegable que los argumentos de los videojuegos pueden transmitir algunas escenas violentas y agresivas; si un juego con un argumento apropiado puede facilitar la educación de un niño, no es descabellado pensar que un argumento violento también pueda influir la conducta del jugador en su vida