Analysis of Event Where I Was Motivated
Autor: Sharon • September 28, 2017 • 1,542 Words (7 Pages) • 885 Views
high Expectancy, here supported by the promise of performance improvement on putting in more efforts; a high Instrumentality, supported by the incentives of performance and; a high Valence, supported the coherence of personal goals with the rewards; leads to high motivation which ultimately helps individuals to achieve their goals.
Analysis of Event where I was not particularly Motivated
In this section I will discuss the course of events that caused demotivation in my Job and how it finally led to my exit from the job.
To start off, I joined Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages directly after my graduation as a Supply Chain Trainee. Initially I was provided an opportunity to learn about the business and contribute towards making it better. We as a group of trainees were provided with freedom to experience the various facets of the business and our opinions were heard out by the senior management members. This had led to a high degree of motivation in me, as I was in control of what I wanted to do and had to do, and more importantly it was providing us opportunities to make a difference.
Post my confirmation, I was given a permanent positions in one of the plants as a production manager, responsible for handling three PET production lines. The immediate effect of this was the restriction of my area of work. Though there was added responsibility, the intention to work was now due to the responsibility rather than the interest. As per the Self-Determination theory, the beneficial effects of intrinsic motivation were diminishing and at the same time harmful effects of extrinsic motivation were taking over. Now, I would usually restrict my work to only my area and not worry about the intricacies of activities happening in the plant which didn’t concern my area directly.
I will analyse the various Motivational and Hygiene Factors as per the Hezberg’s Theory.
Recognition – My work was being recognised which motivated me to work. As the lines I was handling were strategically important, I had visibility in the eyes of senior management.
Achievement – Due various reasons, technical as well as IR related the performance of the lines was not upto the mark which caused demotivation
Advancement – Due the strategic nature of my area, many of the decisions were interfered into by the zonal management, again this was a demotivating factor.
Growth – There was limited scope of growth, many of my colleagues were in the same position from many years.
Responsibility – There was a huge amount of responsibility which was motivating.
Job Challenge – The job was more challenging emotionally and physically than intellectually. This was a big demotivating factor.
Hygiene Factors
Working Conditions – the plant was 50km from the nearest residential area which led to a daily commute of 4 hours that too on pathetic roads. This was a big dissatisfaction causing factor.
Policies and Administrative Processes – The policies were not supportive of a work-life balance. There were no compensatory offs for managers and this led to dissatisfaction as the work exigencies required us to come on holidays.
Salary and Benefits – These were market competitive. But the amount of compensation my college friends were receiving with respect to their work timings as well as pressure, was high. So, as per Stacy Adam’s Equity theory, on referent comparison with “other-outside” (Robins, Judge and Vohra – Organizational Behaviour – 15th Ed. – Motivation Concepts), this caused dissatisfaction. As this was due to the type of industry I was in, I decided to change my industry and get a better option. One way to go about it was to pursue post-graduation.
Supervision – The boss was considerate and supportive, but the work requirement was paramount and even he had to make tough calls more often than not.
Co-workers – They were friendly and supportive.
Personal Life – This aspect was non-existential. I was unable to visit my family or even attend important family functions. Festivals were spent at work, and there was no compensation for this sacrifice. Also this was the same year after year, as per the feedback from my colleagues. This was a major cause of dissatisfaction.
As there were a lot of demotivating factors in my job as well as the hygiene factors were lacking, I decided to leave my job and pursue post-graduation. On subsequent discussions with my ex-manager, he always points out that this field was not meant for me and I agree with him on that. This reinforces the decision of switching