Autor: Maryam • February 13, 2019 • 1,296 Words (6 Pages) • 722 Views
The main issue with parents of children who have ADHD is their inability to perform at the academic level. In most cases these children are very capable but they are deemed unwilling. So instead of finding adequate ways to excite challenge and educate the child they choose the easy route of medication. The question I beg to ask is why are we “force teaching” these children? Why don’t we question the current system at play instead of shunning and medicating children? Is it not natural for some children to have more energy than others, notice distinct things and not follow social norms? We must adapt the current system to accommodate these diverse minds, challenge them in a proper way and cherish their creativity.
The APA 5 percent of American children has ADHD, but the center for Dieses Control prevention has the number at a staggering 11 percent. That means that that the number of children on medication in America is in the millions. Europe has a more hands on and therapeutic approach, with most of the countries hovering around 1 percent. In Denmark, attention problems for children are almost diminished due to the exciting new school system they have implemented. They place kids in classes based on their level of cognition rather than age giving each child as much as they need to develop. This system relinquished most of the pressure and isolation of the child and gives the child the attention they need to put their minds to use. Numbers have shown that treating ADHD patient with without medication is often times more effective then with.
Of course, there are severe cases of ADHD where the patients are inattentive to the point they cannot function at any tasks. But these cases in my opinion are really rare. I believe the current American educational system is simply putting a Band-Aid on a bullet hole. We must bring forth awareness about the misconceptions about this topic and take Denmark as a great example of a working system for all.
ADHD was first brought to sight at the turn of the century, the same time the educational system became aligned with the new upcoming industrial world. The truth is current school systems has simply been training children for the industrial world and have been doing so for the last century. Some kids where born unable to fit into this industrialized school system, and the solution for this was pills to force them to do so.
Children with ADHD are simply not being put in a system that works for them. Who are we to judge if they are “bad” kids? There is no such thing as a bad child, only bad teachers. Society today is medicating and in turn naturalizing some of our most artist and energetic brains. Instead of forcing these children to learn in a system that does not work for them, why don’t we adjust the system? Let us reconsider the medicating of our children are reconsider working with them and adjusting to them.