Cement Based Materials Development with Time
Autor: farqad • November 10, 2018 • Essay • 397 Words (2 Pages) • 724 Views
Cement-based materials development with time
Cement-based matrix has been well described in the light of experiments as well as computer models, and some promising studies have been done, by that composite material to grow with time from fresh to plastic then into a hard state through series of chemical and physical events. Cement paste material is kind of two-component model with complex system mainly consist of liquid phase and solid phase. The interaction of cement with water to form the binding paste is occurring through complex physical and chemical processes i.e. dissolution, precipitation, coagulation and rigidification processes. The overall process can be described as an exothermic, kinetic and microstructure development involved. This process known as the hydration process. Chemically, represented by that reaction of chemical components of Portland cement with water to form renewed solids surround the cement particles and continue reacting in the presence of reaction sources, physically by hydrates filling the pores between the unreacted grains to form a connected network of clusters by which the system gain strength. Or in other term, setting and hardening process to continue with time until the ultimate strength. This process by which the paste form, is affected by many factors. Primarily water to cement ratio, cement components, curing time, curing temperature and admixture incorporation. This process is not fully understood and there are lots of sophisticated technique were employed to reveal upon the ambiguity beyond that complex process. Cement by its reaction with water, lots amount of heat will be released and by estimating the rate of heat releasing during hydration time, the hydration process can be assessed. Microstructure investigation techniques were also used to monitor the formation process of hydrates with time through that interaction of cement with water. Computer simulation was involved to estimate the degree of hydration and built models to give a more conceptual understanding of the cement hydration process. Understanding the electrical properties of cement paste can be regarded as a sensitive monitoring technique of cement-water system development with time. Many studies were conducted through using this concept to reveal upon the variety of information correlated to system microstructure development. Analyzing the electrical resistivity of cement-based materials method can be used to predict the hydration behavior, especially early hydration behavior of cement as a new measurement technology, besides the ability in presenting a respective approach of understanding the cement past development with time.