King Asoka
Autor: Maryam • October 17, 2017 • 950 Words (4 Pages) • 829 Views
the people as well as their regular duties. He taught those officials, such as his administrative officers, to be in tune with needs and sufferings of the commoners and to be very just. Asoka also appointed people called “dharma ministers” who were special high officers who were to assist in spreading the dharma, to relieve the sufferings of the peoples, and to tend and care to their needs. Asoka kept informed of all matters going on that concerned the welfare of his people constantly and was concerned for the people’s (and animals’) well being. There was even a law he enacted that prevented cruelty to animals, since he believed that they were life to be respected as well.
Asoka started hospitals for his people, and even hospitals for animals. He had trees and groves planted throughout his kingdom and along the roadsides. The digging of wells and building of water sheds and bath houses are also some of the things Asoka did in his land.
He seemed very noble in his cause, since King Asoka also stated that the only glory that he desired was to have lead his people along the path of dharma. Asoka is quoted to have said, "All men are my children. As for my own children I desire that they may be provided with all the welfare and happiness of this world and of the next, so do I desire for all men as well.”
King Asoka was quite the humanitarian, and many of the things he preached as well as practiced were quite remarkably resemble the values and beliefs that Jesus of Nazareth, the founder of Christianity, taught. Much can be learned from King Asoka, especially from Asoka’s radical conversion. He had conquered lands by force and bloodshed, but once he was shown the philosophy and beliefs of Buddhism he made a complete reversal in his personal ways and thinking. He not only led a “good life” but Asoka went out of his way to improve the lives of others and to relieve the burden of human suffering whenever he could. This is something everybody can learn from. Asoka was quite an example of good virtue and high moral integrity. I believe that Asoka has shown how people can always turn around from their unprincipled ways and do what is righteous.