Impact of Europeans on Aboriginals in the Sixteenth Century
Autor: Joshua • March 14, 2018 • 844 Words (4 Pages) • 595 Views
As a result of direct contact with the Europeans, some nations were decimated and others moved to new lands farther away from them. While others remained in their homelands on close proximity to the French and English settlements. It started to seem possible to the Aboriginals that both they and the European people could share the use of the lands of the St. Lawrence, the Mohawk, and the Ohio River (Hundey et al). Hopes for remaining traditional lifestyles, cultures and identities were still strong at the time of the defeat of the French. There was no sense that the Aboriginals could be defeated. The victory of the Americans in the Revolutionary War, and the failure of the Pontiac Rebellion ended the possibility of sharing the use of the land in a way that would respect both European and Aboriginal cultures and identities. For the tribes that stayed in close proximity to the Europeans, life became a mixture of old and new. Traditional seasonal cycles, upon which cultural beliefs were based were broken. This was because game became scarce, and seasonal hunting or even fishing were taken over by the Europeans farms or settlements. The religious beliefs and practices were also condemned by the Europeans. They pressured the Aboriginal peoples to adopt Christianity. Some Aboriginals combined traditional beliefs and Christian practices.
Aboriginal people fought their way through all the good and bad of the Europeans and are still strong going. Although, warfare, diseases, and also change of identity had a huge impact. The Europeans did not do harm to the Aboriginals, but they also did not do any good. The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were harsh in North America, and the Aboriginals knew how to always survive in their homeland.
"American Indians And European Diseases | Native American Netroots". N.p., 2009. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.
Hundey, Ian et al. Canadian History. Toronto: Irwin Publishing LTD, 2003. Print.