Germany Nazi
Autor: Maryam • September 28, 2017 • 901 Words (4 Pages) • 714 Views
stage 4 of Allports Theory of Physical attacks, this was the beginning of the end. There was a speech made to the Nazi party and it was a signal for the Nazi party organizations to orchestrate an assault upon Jewish homes, businesses, and places of worship. My grandmother told me that her dad was walking back from their garden and the Nazi soldiers were walking past and demanded that he salute. Her dad had refused and he was taken to jail and beaten. He was released several days later but they lost their ration card for several months. If they didn’t have a garden full of vegetables they would have starved.
My grandmother grew up during this time. She once told me a story about how she was able to get to West Germany. She said that she had to pay someone to sneak her across the border and if she was caught she would be in prison. She left her family behind. She wasn’t able to see her parents and brothers and sisters for many, many years. Her brother died due to them not having money and them not being part of the Nazi party was unable to get good health care. This would define Allports discrimination stage 4.
Hitler came up with the “Final Solution” which is the extermination of the Jewish people. (The Holocast: A learning site for students) To accomplish these goals, the Nazis began to implement their ’Final Solution’. Through death camps and other means, the Nazis began to conduct genocide on an unparalleled scale. More than six million people died at the hands of Hitler and his party, many of them in gas chambers. Others were hung, shot in firing squads, starved to death, worked to death in concentration camps, or killed through various medical experiments that were as terrifying as anything in a horror movie today. In the end all Hitler killed thousands upon thousands of people and this would be an example of Allports theory of execution.
In conclusion, after reading Allports theory of Prejudice, I believe that Hitler followed the scale almost exactly. You are able to see the steps played out with how Hitler started out with derogatory speech and escalated to keeping the Jews excluded from other members of society, to the extermination of the Jew population.